One of the issues with having a game that has been out as long as Istaria has is that new players start to feel that all the "good names" are taken, often by players who are no longer actively playing the game. This has come to our attention as something that is happening with Istaria in part because of the many characters that transferred from Unity to either Chaos or Order. Players from Unity often found that the name they wanted to have was "in use" by someone else, but really had no way to know if that someone was active or not.

We'd like to discuss with the community what they see as pros and cons to a proposed solution to this problem. Please note we are not saying that we are implementing this right now, nor are we saying that we will be in the future. What we are saying is that we'd like to think it through and try to come up with a solution that is as fair to everyone as possible. With that said, here is the initial proposal:

1) Create a web interface that allows name lists to be browsed and see what names are available for a Name Acquisition request (any name on an account that has been inactive for x months - we're thinking 3 months - will be available).

2) A player wishing to use a name that is "already in use" may send in a support ticket requesting that the Name Acquisition process for a specific name be started. This process will require a special fee to be paid (as yet to be determined).

3) A Customer Service Representative will then research that name, and attempt to contact the account holder associated with that character. The account holder will have Name Acquisition Rebuttal Time (NART) to respond and reactivate their account. We're suggesting 2 weeks.

3.1) After NART has expired, the name will be suffixed with a "_server" tag on the original character, and the name will be released to the player who made the Name Acquisition request.

3.2) If the original owner responds sometime during the NART period, it is expected that they will open a subscription to Istaria in order to hold the name, and the person who made the Name Acquisition request will be notified and refunded the Name Acquisition fee.

Only accounts that have been inactive will be subject to Name Acquisition. Likewise only after a two week waiting period to give the original owner of the name will the name have a chance of being released.

Thank you for your feedback,

PS: Please don't muddy this thread with questions about plot reclamation.