
I'm not a very strong adventurer and have a bad armor, so my best defensive measure are stuns. Which is why I consequently use them and I must use them to survive with most mobs...

Today I stumbled uppon Mhedon and I thought I could just give him a try... I remembered fighting him back on unity, but maybe I was wrong...

First thing I casted was Rust, which hit (this is my "pulling" spell with extended range and lowering the opponents armor is a good thing anyway). The very next spell was Thunder Cloud (a stun, as you might know) which hit, too. I was happy, that I earned some time to heal the damage Mhedon did with Hurl Chunk... but he kept on moving. I was a bit puzzled, cause there was no message that he is unstunnable... so I casted Shocking Blast right away (instead of healing for which I had no time), which hit also, but Mhedon still wasn't stunned and did his Avalanche of Ore which of course meant my death...

I consider this a bug. Either it is wrong that Mhedon is unstunnable (I would think so, 'cause the other golems I met are stunnable) or it is a bug that there is no message. Anyway something needs to be repared...

There are players out there that are no dragons and no uberpeds. Please give them some love, too, from time to time. (Yes, I know that we are an absolute minority).