Okay, it's been a while, the system has been tried.

Can we please increase the effectiveness of food or lower the DP duration? Something?

Two full meals to get rid of a single DP is harsh when it takes 30 mins to eat one meal, nevermind getting more than one DP and having to wait between multiple meals. Food seems not worth the downtime it takes to bother eating it. Add to that the silver it takes to et the food. Silver is best gotten adventuring.

I've heard the argument: Learn to fight better, be more careful etc.

There is no 'careful' in some parts of the game (especially for dragons that only have one adventure class) Some parts are just plain dangerous and you're going in there with the knowledge that you will get or do whatever it is needed done (Elenath anyone?) but there's a high probability you won't walk away from it.

I've also heard: Go play an alt or craft until the dps wear off

So, at an exciting time like an ROP, we're expected to 1. either not die or 2. go craft for days between sessions.

Kinda kills the momentum and excitement dosen't it? Mind you, I play at different times. Recently it's been rare I've been on when others are, so I'll go craft then.

Dosen't seem to help much. I've been crafting for months straight so I'm kinda tired of it and would like to do a little adventuring. Trouble is, I earn enough DPs in a day to last me the week. I like crafting, I really do, but due to the DPs, the ratio of Adv and crafting seems a little off.

I don't want to play an alt. I've never been very good at that. Some MMO players can play 6 or 7 characters and keep them all leveled, but I don't. It's a playstyle.

I put this in rants because I see players in game who are unhappy with the current system and don't bother with food. Forum users however seem fine with it and happy with the above work arounds. Any disagreement of the system gets met with "LTP" so whatever.