this is not really a rant, more a seeking of advice....

here's the deal - about 2 weeks after their daughter was born, my friends informed me that i was a god mother for their 2 children. not being catholic, i asked them what they were thinking. once they informed me as to my duties, i asked them what they were smoking and why they hadn't shared!

keep in mind that, as i say, i am not catholic, in fact, the whole idea of organized religion is repulsive to me. i was not asked, i never filled out any forms or submitted any fees for nomination, or whatever. i am not sure it is even legal or consecrated or whatever, as we never 'formalized' anything. the kids have simply grown up calling me creeper, which is apparently slang for godmother. i also have no biological children with which to practice on.

when they were young, it was fun and cute - giving advice on jumpshots and what dress to put barbie in.
but now, my godson is almost 17 and my goddaughter is 11 and they are starting to ask life questions.

so here is my problem. taking all of the above into consideration, how do i give this advice? do i keep talking to them honestly, as i always have, knowing my life advice is almost the polar opposite of what their parents and religion tells them, or do i advise them as i know their parents would wish, even tho this would be lying to them? my honest relationship with them is something i value, and i hestitate to risk that, should they catch me in a lie........

so all you parents out there, please offer me some guidance, if you can. i really do not want to interfer with my friends parenting (and when the kids were younger, i always deferred them to their parents for this kind of stuff), but my godkids are at the stage where they want to talk to a non-parent adult about some things (drugs, sex, etc.).

thank you most sincerely for any help you can give (except for shrinks for the lot of us!)!