For those who didnt read the last post, we are a small guild who owna few of the plots south of the bridgehold pad, we have been working on them since we won the auction and it is looking very nice now, we have stopped working as we have reached all we can do as of now, here is what we have:

T2 Connsigner
T2 Pawn Broker
Beginner Blacksmith Shop
Beginner Stoneworking Shop
Beginner Woodworking Shop
Beginner Leatherworking Shop
Beginner Clothworking Shop
Beginner Alchemist Shop

Oh and a Large Dwarven House among other (not so important) various structures.

Please come and take a look, everything is accessable to all (apart from our storage)

There were only three of us working mainly on these plots, we are proud of what we have accomplished especially since 4 of the construction skills used we had pretty much started from scratch after the auctions finished.

There are still plenty of plots left in bridgehold, maybe our home can be yours too!