Greetings all, I have been away from Istaria for about a year. I started playing when the game first launched. I'm currently playing WoW and WaR. Part of me misses Istaria though. I'm thinking about droping either WoW or WaR and coming back to Istaria.

Is the game still laggy? I have a new quad core system with 4 gigs of ram on the way. I've also read that Istaria doesn't work with Vista, is there a work around for it?

I had a plot when I left, but I'm sure it's been reclaimed. Now if my plot is reclaimed do the novians go to the bank? How about items stored in the structures? This could be a biggie for me. How is the plot situation now? Are there still ghost towns all over the place?

How has the world events been? I loved the community in this game. Always nice and helpfull, in WoW they tend to be 'leetists. Is the community still friendly, or have they turned to leet to care?


Bathnor the Bald