Ahh, Seph, my dear friend. Your words and your way of constructing thought ARE you...and we need YOU. Let not the socially inept cause you to silence your great voice. Those of that ilk tend to come and go, never quite grasping the concept of role play and of Istaria. How sad for them.

I feel it quite worth the time to read your words with care enough to understand the message, as I do with anyone's words, and I do not find it terribly hard to do so. If that is not the case with others, then that is their loss, yet you have committed no offense...it is a role play server and you role play. The fault is on them, for being out of character in a public chat and for being rude enough to privately scold you for being IN character! Tsk, tsk.

Teto...is it true? You really will be home for gnomekindle? If so, I shall have to abandon my lairshaping on blight shard for a bit and split my time (such as it is, lately) with order shard so that I can celebrate the holidays with old friends. *Nuzzles*