Ok, I've been playing this game on and off since the game first came out, and I've seen many people come and go. I've seen people get blamed for things they did, and did not do. There is always someone to hate, someone to blame for things, no matter what you do.
I would just like to ask, what is honestly expected of players on chaos?
And no, I don't need to be told to read the rules of conduct, i know them.. I mean expected on a personal level.

If you are really nice and helpful to people, people always want MORE, if you don't give that to them, you are a bad person and people turn their backs on you. (don't tell me it's not true, its personally happened to me!)
On the other hand, if you stick to yourself, don't talk to anyone and do your own thing, you become one of "those" people. Branded as a snob, a jerk, or something else along those lines.

Personally, the conclusion I've come to, and I could be wrong, but as I said, this is just on my end; is that people want you to smile, hold hands with everyone, help everyone, take nothing for it, but on the other hand, do not expect anything when you need it; its a take take take take world.

And I always see people say things about other people that I know, which will remain nameless, and hate them, etc.. Yet all of those problems have been long over with. It just seems to me people will never be happy, no matter what.

To not be considered the jerk, do you have to be bled dry?
I see specific groups being targeted as the ones ruining peoples fun, but to me, and many other people i know; the fun isn't being ruined by those people... It's the ones pointing the fingers to the other people.

I know this has gotten dreadfully long, but hey, this is a rant section.
And I would REALLY like to know what people HONESTLY expect from players. (on chaos only, its the only server I play on) ((and before im told to just switch to another server, keep in mind, i don't want to play on another server. I started on chaos, shadow shard, and will go out on chaos server))