i really really hate my school as of late... this is not the 1rst nor second time its failed me... they send letters saying detention yata yata yata if i dont go to my other school during 2 hour delay wensday but today during the very 2 hour delay day i wait for the bus for get this..... a fricking half hour and it never fricking shows! so then i have to get my mom we drive up to my other school i make it in time oh but it gets worse.... i get back into my normal clothes after that school ends and apperantly i get yelled at for "missing" a bus that was never there to pick me up... so i start yelling and i call my mom and she agrees to come pick me up and drive me to my other school, well it gets worse now my headphones are compleatly trashed for some odd reason so now i cant hear a *** **** thing. whats next me getting kicked by a horse today when i go to work with my sister at the barn we clean... this day just keeps getting better and better.....