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Thread: Hypocrytes...

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    Default Hypocrytes...


    I have tennitivly decided to quit this wonderfull game due to what I consider Role Play hypocrytes. These are the people who I see bossing around and vetoing RP ideas on their own twisted views of making the server better, claiming the drama out of hand, yet continue to play HEAVY drama characters while demanding this. As well as additional heavy drama related characters being made in their group.

    If they demand me playing non-drama non interesting normal dragons, I demand they do as well. If they can tell me I cant do a roleplay on their ideals, why oh why can I not be able to tell them they cant do their drama role plays as well? Oh yes, they were here first, they have the right to be drama... but I have to bow to their whims.

    Recently I was asked by a roleplayer why I could consider what I was considering. In reply to why I was planning a RP I answered truthfully about the server.

    You tell , '((Humor.. and levity...))'
    You tell , '((You have all these grumpy evil and hatefully played blight characters that try to scare hatchlings))'
    You tell , '((Take XXXX vempire.. then make it need to eat blight/blighted blood. you got hatchlings that see them as food... *insert mental image of several hatchlings chasing <name of evil blighted dragon character> around*))'
    You tell , '((No plan to be some evil nasty atrocious beasts))'

    And the reply to that was,

    tells you, '((Uhm... I have XXXX. That's all. She isn't blighted in the least, and she's only usually grumpy when people annoy her. Like what happened with <another of my characters>, eh? And there is no humor or levity in a character like that. It's a walking unfunny joke that's just helping the community look more and more RIDICULOUS as time goes by. I have my own reasons for wanting to salvage this place, and I'm not the+'
    tells you, '+only one who feels it's going to the dogs these days. Maybe you can't see it, but it's happening. You got your blight dragon, you contributed to the annoying blight drama that ensued, isn't that enough? Now we have <nice blight hatchling> as well, who is blighted. Among many other strange and just... ******** combinations, like XXXX. Do you REALLY have to contribute to that? I'm near begging people to+'
    tells you, '+just stop for once and think about what they're doing before they go and send another oddjob character into this tiny RP community :/ ))'

    Eh, I dont know about you but this kind of reply really grates on my nerves.. I dont care how pasionate some one is. To get up in someones face like this is uncalled for. Later on when mentioning Hypocrytical I got this...

    tells you, '((I do have a normal dragon, actually... You just don't know which it is. Furthermore, I realize my character isn't normal, but what you fail to understand is I made her this way BEFORE the influx of freak-dragons. Do you get that? BEFORE. I can't just go and change her back, so instead I like to let people know that the number of freaks is getting to be too much. I'm not a hypocrit.))

    My read on this statement, I'm not changing my roleplay but I am going to make other people change theirs. Well that itself bleeds Hypocrytical to me.

    Someone mentioned some statements made by this player after I logged stating herself that the actions and statements made to me were on a selfish nature. She was mad I ignored her... Well, I ignored her for the same reason she should have ignored me and my Roleplays, they did not concern her... However later after this private tell section, even the person I was doing this RP with turned to this players side suddenly and without warning.

    I had worked on this RP for about the last 2 months... to have one person walk in and say no.. then everyone follow and make it invalid. I play to have fun... They tell me how and in what form I am allowed to have fun? That is not fun. And I consider it harassing.

    Just so you know, my actions to this person were tempered by various past instances watching her flame new players for trying RP things that conflicted with her(demons blight etc) and for new people that have had not built up the habbit yet to ((block out their OOC))

    Many people have been driven off by rather harsh words and actions by the older players, I have resisted for a long while, but meh. If they are going to dictate how I can have fun and what I can do, I dont need to be there any more.

    Last edited by Velea; August 3rd, 2009 at 12:03 AM.

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