Greetings, Istarians.

We've just started playing a couple of weeks ago, learning the ins and outs if you will, exploring, (and getting killed in some very fascinating places I might add), and now that we're not completely clueless anymore (hehe) we are looking to join a guild.

About us ~

Anzha, Dryad
Adventure School - Undecided, but something magical
Crafting School - Spellcraft (of a sad, pitiable low level for now), possibly Alchemy, its just hard to justify levelling something for the sole purpose of making my clothes prettier (yes I know its not all about dye, but that's not the point.)

Scoffer, Half-Giant
Adventure School - Undecided, but something with a large stick
Crafting School - All of them probably. For now I think he's confined it to tinkering/blacksmith/armorer for the most part.

We're both mature adults (most of the time), looking for a guild of knowledgable people who don't mind a lot of questions while we're still getting adjusted to the game; though you have to watch out for Scoffer as he's got a quick wit and clever sense of humor that often gets the best of him. Most of the time we will be crafting, in fact, Scoff refers to this as "The Crafting Game" and I think the entire "Adventuring" part is only a means to get tech resources. I on the other hand am NOT addicted to crafting. At all. Really. And no, I didn't name my cargo disk.


We don't really know anyone, as we are new, when fluttering through New Trismus I sometimes stop and admire the pretty dragons but they seemed embroiled in a rather intricate drama of their own and a couple of them seem to consider me a winged toy to chase about, and one of them even referred to me as food! :sulk: Hopefully there is a guild out there for us that is a safe place for a little dryad to not become dinner

Respond here or find me on Order; we're in US-East Coast & UK timezones, respectively, though in a few months we will both be UK. (Getting married, joyous joyous ;P).