Hello all,

It's been many years since I've been to Istaria, and despite myself I'd found myself missing it terribly. I didn't know if it was just the crafting system that spoiled me for other games, or just that fact that I felt I could do so much by myself.

I know I didn't miss the old bugs. When I'm talking years, I'm talking the memory drain on your system every time you hit the recall button, cursing every time I hit the Windows key (game crashed every time!), or having to sort though a thousand quest windows so you could select the one quest you had the resources or interest to complete. I cheered when they cleaned that one up. And of course, the economy. It was so broken when I left, you couldn't afford squat.

So thinking it could have been a case of "it was better when, I'll remember the good and not the bad", I've come back for a poke around. I'm happy to be back.

The look and feel of the game is an old friend. Yes, things are a bit older, but not too rundown. Dragons are still a sight to behold, even if they don't all talk to bi-peds like me. I still have the joy of crafting for hours on end, collecting tools I know I'll use later, and the thrill of finding flax and ore nodes in the field.

I even have change in my pockets.

I missed Horizons, I'll not get used to the name change for quite awhile. So while no one I knew is still here, I will know more this time around.

Trynal Thunderpride
Warrior for now
Crafter forever