(I originally tried to PM this to Amarië, but she doesn't accept PMs, so this is my other alternative.)

I don't know if this has anything to do with my sub expiring (if it does, why would you guys do that...?), but I cannot submit any tickets to support.istaria.com and I've been getting emails warning me of plot reclaims (that tell me to submit a ticket. Go figure).

Ultimately, I'm trying to change the ownership of Favoran's plot on Order in the Trandalar Rift to the player of Aika Torcheflamme (hope I spelled that right. :/ She's Litarath on the forums). I tried to make the offer before my sub expired, but she didn't get on to accept it in time, and now I can't log in to Istaria to make another offer.

If it matters at all, I can give my account name, but I'd rather not post it here.

I'm not sure who I'm supposed to contact about this, particularly because anyone who I can think of doesn't accept PMs. But other than the ticket service at support.istaria.com, I don't know of any other way to get in contact with the people I'd need to.