For those that remember the posted messages:
Test dragon for various tinkered contraptions designed for carrying bipeds.
All testing to be performed at your own risk.
Gingerbread gnomes and hot cocoa to be served in thanks afterward.
Contact Awdz Bodkins if interested
Bipeds to test various tinkered contraptions designed for dragons to carry you.
All testing to be performed at your own risk.
Gingerbread gnomes and hot cocoa to be served in thanks afterward.
Contact Awdz Bodkins if interested
The notices have been removed. The local scribe recorded the events as follows:

Awdz] *lugs several contraptions to the edge of the marketplace and sets them in semi-organized heaps*
Awdz] *looks about hopefully* can i have a dragon and a non-dragon volunteer?
GlaedrI] sure!
NightFang] *gulps* Sure, i think, what for!
GlaedrI] wait what for?
Awdz] *looks at nightfang* can you fly?
DemonWing] *wanders in his wings folded tightly against his side*
NightFang] *nods*
NightFang] I can fly..why?
Awdz] i want to test these contraptions to see if they will work to allow dragons to carry bipeds *waves her hand in the general direction of the piles*
NightFang] *nods* Alright, i can try.
DemonWing] Demon looks around quietly* errm vall?
Asua] [vallectri
Asua] (-.-)
Coral] hello all
Tagath] Not unless C`gan is on.
Asua] [vallectri] mm? *had not been really paying attention*
Tagath] Greetings, Coral.
Awdz] okies, the first one is the mouth rider
Tagath] Dragons do not eat their riders, Awdz.
Awdz] *pulls forward what looks like a giant bucket*
DemonWing] awdz seems to have made some contraption ...for dragons to better carry biepeds...
Tagath] *takes a step backwards*
NightFang] *goes forward* Oooh, i get it!
Asua] [vallectri] the... what? *gives the contraption an odd look*
NightFang] The biped enters there and the dragon hodls the bucket.
DemonWing] *steps towards awdz....curiously*
Awdz] not to eat! *opens a door in the side of the bucket* okies glaedr can you step in here?
Tagath] You are having a dragon step into a bucket to be carried by another dragon?
NightFang] *laughs at tagath* the BIPED steps in, theoreticall...
NightFang] lly*
Tagath] Glaedr is not a biped.
Awdz] oh oops... sorry... *looks at glaedr* i forgot to check
Asua] [vallectri] .....if one were to ride in a bucket...wouldn't it be better just to use an air balloon?
DemonWing] *hrmm awdz....would a halter sort of thing not be more effective? or comfortable?
Coral] that would be too easy for our Awdz
Awdz] well last time we tried to get air in a balloon the flame caught the balloon on fire...
Awdz] it was a flaming plummet
NightFang] *snickers*
DemonWing] *sits* well that is not going on my back...
NightFang] I'll do it.
Awdz] no! the dragon holds the handle in its mouth
Muc] Is not a Dragon a big hot ail ballon ;-)
Muc] *air*
NightFang] *sighs* yes i know!
DemonWing] it dosnt look safe...ieo wont put vall in that nor ask her to ..
Awdz] *lifts up the heavy bucket handle into the air*
NightFang] I will hold the bucket.
Alure] *runs in the field seeing the seen, the purple hatchling looks around and spots the gnome* FOOOOOD!!! * She runs over and tackles Awdz and begins to lick him*
Awdz] is there anyone willing to try riding in it?
NightFang] *takes the bucket from awdz*
NightFang] with her mouth*
Tagath] Awdz is not food, Alure. Stop licking her.
DemonWing] *puts a wing over vall trying to hide her*
Awdz] *hops into the bucket and closes the door quickly to escape alure*
Asua] [vallectri] no offense...but...that is a terrible idea.
Awdz] okies nightfang let's try it!
Awdz] before alure comes in with me!
Alure] *Hearing the voice she attempts to climb into the bucket with the small creature*
Alure] Fooood!
DemonWing] *looks at his leftwing he had put over vall and pulls it off of her now keeping his right wing folded tightly against his sidee *
Awdz] *tickles alure with [Giant Chicken Tail Feathers]*
Tagath] *grabs Alure's tail and starts walking backwards*
NightFang] *snickerts and takes off in the air, holding the bucket tight and flying around a bit...the bucket seems to be waging to the left and right and doesn't seem stabile, however.*
Awdz] *tosses [Chocolate Mouse] past alures face as the bucket lifts into the air*
Vallectri] *shakes her head, and looks to demonwing* ...How did she come to be in charge of a guild, exactly?
Awdz] whoa!! *swings wildly off balance*
Awdz] *knocks the door open and falls out* aaaaaahhhh
Alure] *continues to follow the draggy with the bucket*
Coral] *runs forward to catch Awdz*
GlaedrI] oh no!
Awdz] *crashes into trees below nightfang*
NightFang] *gasps dropping the bucket, then catches awdz right before she gets to the earth*
NightFang] Guess this isn't going to work..*snickers*
Awdz] oof! ack! oh! owies!! *crashes down through the branches into nightfang's catch*
Vallectri] Carefull!
Vallectri] yeesh.... yeah.. that one's going to get somebody killed...
Awdz] aww crumblies.... that one needs a bit more tinkering for balance, i think
Tagath] *casts [Powered Primal Health IV of Purifying] on Awdz*
NightFang] *drops awdz carefully on the ground* You mostly gave me a heart attacK! *snickers*
NightFang] (brb a second, guys)
Alure] *snaps at awdz while in Nightfang's grasp*
Awdz] *jots down some notes into her [Journal of Copious Notes]*
Arkil] ((not to mention the problem with the drool... ))
Tagath] *wing buffets Alure* No eating Awdz!
Awdz] *tosses alure a [Dwarven Caramel Nugget] in hopes that keeps the dragon jaws occupied for a while*
Sephiranoth] Awdz be one I hold dear and dearer. I be no warrior, nor great one.. but any that set her to peril will find the broken Treaty the least of their woes by any word of mine.
Vallectri] (Crap... gotta run afk a while -.-)
DemonWing] *shakes his head slowly as he lays down to watch* <afk>
Awdz] okies, the mouth rider needs tinkering... so on we go to the head cap
Tagath] Head cap?
Awdz] *pulls forward a barrel with straps all around it*
Alure] Owwwwww you hurt Alure..... * she says as she gets up from being tossed aside...*
Tagath] No eating Awdz.
Tagath] Awdz is friend, not food.
Alure] ((eep runs away))
Awdz] i need a flying dragon willing to wear this on their head?
Sephiranoth] More of important, Awdz be a great warrior that hath slain Blight Gates of her own hand alone. She be.. peril. <G>
Awdz] the barrel has a lid that opens to let me climb in *opens it and demonstrates* and i can leave it down in case of rain
Awdz] there are straps that go down and buckle underneath the dragon's head
Awdz] would someone be willing to try this on for me?
Talitha] I think my horns would get in the way.
Awdz] oh i bet i could get it to nestle between them if you let me try...
Tagath] An aerial loop and you will fall out, Awdz. It is not safe.
Awdz] well the dragon can just keep their head upright
Awdz] besides, i can tinker to adjust for the loopiness later
Tagath] Not in a loop. Dragon necks do not spin that far around.
Alure] *finds a lonely rock on the side of the field somewhere and lays down on it her head lolling off the side flattening herself against the rock*
Awdz] i just need to see if it works now
Sephiranoth] And thus it be. Already thy word is set to the dragon's choice.. and thy word ye find the master, Ladt Awdz. Or.. misress.
Talitha] *plops down with her spellshards* Have at it if you like. No promises on the horns...
Awdz] yay! *carefully plunks the barrel so it wedges between talitha's horns*
Tagath] *casts [Powered Primal Health IV of Purifying] on Alure*
Falconclaw] sleep ye well Marketeers ;-)
Awdz] *runs under talitha's chin to buckle the straps, pulling them so tight the barrel is lifted up between talitha's horns*
Tagath] Let Talitha breathe, Awdz.
Talitha] *crosses her eyes upwards trying to see the barrel*
Awdz] oh, okies... *loosens the strap a little*
Awdz] *clambers up talitha's side and into the barrel*
Awdz] ready when you are, talitha!
DemonWing] <back>*waches shaking his head slowly*
Talitha] *gets up very slowly, like a lady balancing a book on her head*
Awdz] *the barrel with the straps loosened slips sideways further and further, sliding down talitha's head until awdz spills out*
Tagath] That cannot be comfortable on the neck muscles.
Awdz] *tumbles on the ground*
Talitha] Whoops!! least I am a very short dragon. o_o Are you alright?
Awdz] aww crumblies... that will need more straps to secure it before it will work in the air
Awdz] *jots down more copious notes*
Alure] *looks at the gnome tumbling, snorts and looks away hungrily*
Awdz] let's see... the next contraption is a forelimbs hammock
Awdz] *brings out a bundle of netting and straps*
Tagath] Put that between two dragons and you carry a coffin.
Awdz] who would be willing to test this one for me?
DemonWing] umm / will one get into the air with that on there forlegs?
Tagath] *tosses several [Raw Beef] strips to Alure*
GlaedrI] my claws ae far too sharp
Awdz] by jumping with your back legs of course... don't dragons jump high?
Talitha] I know I'm too short for that... you need a taller dragon or it'll drag on the ground!
Dracaena] *adds in some [Peppered Bluegill Jerky] for spice to the beef for Alure*
DemonWing] *walks forward and siffs the contraption*
GlaedrI] well i am a huge dragon at my age
GlaedrI] (setscale 1.7 )
Awdz] are you able to fly glaedr?
GlaedrI] of course
Awdz] okies, then can you put out your forelimbs?
GlaedrI] go ahead
Alure] *her nostrils flare at the smell of the meat and she does a cat like pounce on it and begins to gobble it all up*
Awdz] *ties straps to one of glaedr's forelimbs just above the clawed end, unrolls the netting and ties off the other end similarly to glaedr's other forelimb*
GlaedrI] *watches cautiously*
Awdz] *stands on the netting* okies, ready when you are!
GlaedrI] i'd prefer you sat and hold on
Awdz] oh... *looks disappointed and sits so her feet can dangle off the edge of the net*
Tagath] I agree with Glaedr.
DemonWing] *nods slowly*
Awdz] how's this?
Tagath] I do not think you will find that comfortable when the edges of the net are taut and the center droops down.
GlaedrI] alright *rears up and flap his enormus wing the wind gust is so powerful it's like a small concusion*
Awdz] *gets blown down into the netting*
Alure] *after gobbling up the meat she heads over to Dracaena and looks up at her curiously* Mother?
GlaedrI] rises up slowly*
Awdz] *gets rope burns from the netting pressing against her face/body*
Awdz] *tries rolling over to see where she is going*
GlaedrI] *attempts to make Awdz more comfortable*
Awdz] *flips out and barely catches the netting with one hand, and hangs dangling from the hammock*
Awdz] ack! umm... glaedr?
Tagath] *roars to GlaedrI*
Tagath] {{Awdz is out of the netting. Get down now.}}
GlaedrI] *quiclky lowers to the ground no wanting her to get hurt
Awdz] *spinning around a bit but lands safely*
Awdz] wowsers, thank you glaedr... let's see... a smoother and more solid holder would be better
Awdz] something that does not spin, anyway
GlaedrI] *lands nearly on awdz* woops!
Awdz] *jots down more notes*
Talitha] As much as I'm sure we all appreciate gnomish innovation...would not something as simple as a saddle be more effective?
Tagath] I suggest riding straps and belt.
GlaedrI] i agree it has worked for me in my past life
Awdz] okies this next one is sort of a springy thingy
Tagath] Springy?
GlaedrI] that's what i was gonna say
DemonWing] hrrm?
Awdz] it goes on the dragon's back but has springs to keep the platform above the dragon's spine ridge
Tagath] And where do you land when the dragon jumps??????
Awdz] don't worry, i padded the bottom of the springs so they should not hurt your back
DemonWing] <<LOL>>
Awdz] on the platform
Tagath] NO!
Starailia] ~<sounds bouncy>~
Awdz] it has railings to hold onto
Tagath] NO!
GlaedrI] ummmm ^^: this will end really baddly
Talitha] I prefer a saddle. Saddles are lovely. They're like a backpack for carrying friends!
DemonWing] a'na it will
Awdz] no one will even try it? *looks terribly disappointed*
Tagath] *puts his foot on the upper spring platform and steps down lightly on the center, compressing the springs* Look what happens when I let go.
Awdz] *watches tagath*
DemonWing] sorry awdz ..*flares his wings showing his badlt torn right wing* ,...cant fly
Tagath] *removes his foot and allows the spring contraption to fling itself off the ground*
Esmarn] *jumps on the springp latform*
Esmarn] eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Awdz] ooh, poor demonwing! *casts [Quick Improved Revitalize V of Purifying] on demonwing's injured wing as esmarn goes flying*
DemonWing] *doges the spell* d'na...
Tagath] I will not allow you to get hurt by this, Awdz!
GlaedrI] hahaha
Awdz] oh wowsers, tagath... *makes copious notes in her [Journal of Tinkering Notes]*
Tagath] You will not be able to hold on THAT strongly to prevent bouncing off at the first downstroke.
GlaedrI] rolls on ground laughing at Esmarn
Dimmae] (Lol Esmarn)
Esmarn] *falls to the ground and makes a small fiend-shaped crater*
Awdz] okies so it need a roof before testing it, got that
Alure] *runs over and jumps onto the platform copying the previous dragon*
Talitha] I recommend studying the risers made for saddles for horses with high withers...
Esmarn] i cant feel my legs!
Awdz] next thing is a belly bag... *pulls out a giant sack with strings and straps attached*
Arkil] *from the gathering crowd* What's a saddle?
Tagath] *casts [Powered Primal Health IV of Purifying] on Esmarn*
DemonWing] hrrmm Talitha makes a good point awdz...that could work...
Awdz] i don't know but the dragons sem to like them
Tagath] Backpack pouch.
Esmarn] *suddenly grows new legs*
Tagath] I think Awdz has been hoarded one too many times.
Awdz] well this one goes on a dragon's belly, with straps going over top of them
Awdz] who is willing to test this one?
Alure] *lands in the pond splashing everyone near it*
Tagath] Since it will not be considered as riding, I will volunteer.
Awdz] thanks! *quickly ties the straps over tagath's back*
Awdz] *clambers into the drawstring sack* ready when you are!
Tagath] You will be carried as if you are extra cargo this way. It will not be pleasant.
Tagath] And what prevents you from bouncing?
Esmarn] awdz'lll be fine
Tagath] *studies the straps*
Awdz] i'm bouncy already, no worries!
Esmarn] she's been hoarded by dragons i forget how many times
Tagath] *stands up and shakes a little, adusting the weight evenly on the straps*
Alure] *swims out of the water and tackles Esmarn*
Tagath] You are ready?
Asua] (Wow, lol ... had no idea that would take so long...and i still gotta do yeah.. don't expect me back for the duration of the rp D: )
Esmarn] *iz tackled*
Awdz] *gets shuffled to the bottom of the sack, folds of cloth pressing in on her, but gives a muffled reply* mmrnm nnn rmnim!
Tagath] *jumps skyward and flies off the ground only a few feet for safety*
Tagath] *remains hovering*
Awdz] *gets claustraphobic as the sack cinches tight*
Awdz] *digs out her [Socketed Adamantium Cooking Knife] and cuts her way out of the side of the sack for air*
] [Scions-OOC: Coral] hmm.... ok reas override folder not causing lag. brb again to reload my hacks
Awdz] *tumbles to the ground below tagath*
Tagath] *feels the weight shift and lowers back to the ground*
Awdz] *panting* that... needs more personal space for the rider
Tagath] I said it would be like cargo.
Awdz] i pity my cargo now
Alure] *begins to lick Esmarn*
Tagath] Awdz? The straps, please?
Awdz] oh! i figured you'd just gnaw them off
Tagath] Do I look like I can reach THAT far back?
Awdz] *brandishes her [Socketed Adamantium Cooking Knife]* but i can have at them if you prefer
Tagath] [Marble Strength Back Scale] is in place.
Awdz] well you do have a somewhat sinuous neck, but okies, i'll cut them
Awdz] *carefully hacks the straps until tagath is loose*
Awdz] alrighties.... the last device i constructed attaches to the dragon's tail
Tagath] Awdz.
GlaedrI] tail?
DemonWing] murr?
DemonWing] thats not right...
Tagath] What happens when you tie a bell to a saris' tail?
Arkil] *muffled burst s of laughter is heard from the crowd*
GlaedrI] hahahha
Awdz] *brings out a device made of sticks and [White Papyrus Sheet], with a little seat underneath and straps leading forward*
GlaedrI] or if the dragon has bad gas?
DemonWing] heh i know a few saris....shall ieo go find them?...dont think theyd come willingly tho
GlaedrI] hehe
Esmarn] oooo...i didnt know the Schiolar School-changes went live
Tagath] Or have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the BOW that Startlight ties on Saphire's tail?
Awdz] so who would like to test this one for me?
Tagath] And I am assuming you want only female dragons to try that one!
GlaedrI] xD
Tagath] Or do you intend to neuter those of us who are male?
Alure] ((lol))
GlaedrI] O_____o
DemonWing] *laughs loudly at this*
DemonWing] ieo would like to see her try..
Tagath] DemonWing just volunteered, then.
GlaedrI] awdz ...remember what happened with Kirkraid?
DemonWing] hehe NO
Awdz] no glaedr i don't
DemonWing] *turns tail and runs off suddenly remembering his wing*
GlaedrI] you pulled his tail....
Tagath] And that will give a new meaning to PACKTAIL.
GlaedrI] and he farted flames..heh
Awdz] ooohhh... yes, this one can only be used with a dragon that does not flame out the back end
GlaedrI] lol
Talitha] I don't want to know what *he's* been eating...
Awdz] *looks around pleadingly* is there anyone who will let me try the tail flyer?
Alure] giggles at the thought of shooting flames out her butt*
Tagath] Under most circumstances, what I am about to do would be one of the rudest gestures a dragon could do, but you must know a bit about the workings of dragons.
DemonWing] *walks back slowly*
Esmarn] *covers his eyes*
Tagath] *points his tail tip towards the ground and leaves a dragon patty*
Esmarn] *passes out from the scent*
Awdz] o.O you're a dragon that does that when his tail is pulled?
DemonWing] *rolls his eyes and takes a step back the way he came*
GlaedrI] heh
Alure] *pukes at the sight*
Tagath] No. That is one of the functions of the tail.
Awdz] i don't think the flyer will work with you either
Awdz] but can't most dragons control that when they fly?
GlaedrI] quickly flys off some where unreachable by awdz
Tagath] *digs a hole, covering the patty, then shoves the pile back into the hole and stomps it flat.
Awdz] *pouts* the straps attach midtail and the rider is pulled behind the dragon... is that so hard or dangerous?
Awdz] the papyrus is designed to catch the wind, like leaves do when they flutter down
Tagath] ((AFK))
Awdz] for less downward weight on the dragon
Esmarn] gotta head to bed for the night, goodnight market
DemonWing] awdz...niea knows how much wind is cused by a dragons wings?
Awdz] lots gets pushed down toward the ground
GlaedrI] i think i alread demonstrated that
Awdz] but behind you i would not be getting pushed down with it
DemonWing] *rools his eye* ok then awdz...*holds out his injurd wingto the gnome*
DemonWing] rolls>
Ramythis] Glit`sita!
Awdz] can i heal your wing enough for you to fly?
DemonWing] i think so
Awdz] *tries casting another [Quick Improved Revitalize V of Purifying] on demonwing*
DemonWing] *looks his wing over and sighs as he flares it a bit and nods then walks closer to the gnome* this wont end well...
Awdz] *also applies a bit of [Regeneration Potion for Dragon]*
DemonWing] hrmm that will help more...ok then gnome
Awdz] *scampers behind demonwing and secures the straps to his tail*
DemonWing] *waches awdz over his shoulder raising an eyeridge at her*
Awdz] *stands behind demonwing with the device held up with its seat at her backside and straps at full length, about half again the dragon's tail length past the tip of it*
Awdz] okies, ready when you are!
Awdz] *holds tight to the wooden part of the contraption*
DemonWing] *waches awdz for a moment and sighs shaking his head as he flps his wings creating a powerfull gust of wind as he leaps into the air and hovers several feet off the ground*
Awdz] *gets dragged to be almost directly under demonwing, buffeted by the wingsweeps*
Awdz] don't stop! fly! fly!
DemonWing] *sighs and flys strait tho not climibing any higher*
DemonWing] *yells back to awdz* how do you intend me to land?
Awdz] *gets yanked behind as demonwing starts to fly, actually wafting into the air*
Awdz] don't land yet, go a little higher!
Awdz] *one of the [White Papyrus Sheet] develops a tear*
DemonWing] *continues to fly and rises higher into the air *
Awdz] *tries motioning with her hand for demonwing to go up, and changes her balance*
Awdz] *spins sideways at the end of the tether*
Awdz] ack! *begins wafting to the side as the first [White Papyrus Sheet] gives out*
Awdz] *clings back onto the wooden parts of the device, but continues spinning until upside down*
DemonWing] *feels the height change and lowers him self as he fliks his taile bring the gome towards his ead and trys to snach herin his teath*
DemonWing] <grr bad spelling trying to type to fasyt>
Awdz] *gets tossed out of her seat and clings around demonwing's upperjaw when close enough to grab on*
DemonWing] *lands quickly now that he knew awds wasnt going to hit the gound as he landed and posibly gat landed on*
Ramythis] **** no land glitch XD
Awdz] *looks sadly at the tattered tail flyer, then into demonwing's eyes* i guess the tail flyer needs tinkering yet, too
DemonWing] *lowers his head to put the gnome down*
Awdz] *slides off demonwing's jaw onto the ground* thank you for helping me test it!
Awdz] *once more makes copious notes*
DemonWing] well niea had to know....niea needs to be more carefull
Awdz] *looks about at the remnants of her tinkering* aww crumblies, not one was serviceable
Awdz] well thank you everyone who helped me test them!
Awdz] *gathers up the pieces and begins hauling them back for more tinkering*
DemonWing] *rolls his eyes and wanders off*
GlaedrI] a saddle would be much more effective
Awdz] well can you design one? i thought the springy platform would work as one but it was too bouncy
Arkil] ((Where can I find a horse in Istaria? Or something else that's ridden?))
Dimmae] (you could ride a cow *snickers*)
Racktor] <>xD<>
Dimmae] (Oh hai Racktor! *waves*)
Awdz] <ooc - there are no ridden creatures in istaria, that's why a saddle is so complex>]
Racktor] <>xD *waves back*<>
Awdz] dragons are just complicated, strangely-shaped creatures with a lot of wind turbulance
Arkil] ((Just wanted to point that out. ))