This is not going to be pretty, sorry.

So, about a month ago, I had to cancel my Istaria account due to restricted funds. I'd planned on coming back when I could afford to play again.

Not anymore.

I am simply tired.
I can't tolerate the animosity anymore.
I also do not understand (and this happens everywhere) non or anti-roleplayers on a roleplaying server. It does not bother me that they are ON the server, it's a free world, but I'm sorry they have no place to complain about roleplay.

Apparently there are some players making the serious roleplayers look bad. I hear of these misdeeds towards new players, and in my entire time of playing this game (believe me, I'm literally an ancient here), I have never seen such nonsense. I have always seen polite suggestions, and willingness to help. I've even seen many people go out of their way to make sure the newer player feels welcome.
Xepher and myself have adopted the "RP Police Squad" as a joke, for those of you unaware of this.

Sorry, but I'm not coming back here to read about how terrible Order is, nor is any amount of argument going to change my mind, so please save your breath.
The rants on the forums are not doing the server (or the game for that matter) justice.

Anyway, farewell. Move this to the rant forums if you must, but this is my goodbye. Sorry to my friends in game... if you would like my contact info, please don't hesitate to send me a PM.