This is what I would do if I were in charge.

1. Put a small team on the current server/client to fix minor bugs and run events. I would cease to work on any new material for the game in it's current form.

2. I would remove the current test server (the reason will be clear shortly)

3. I would have a new server/client created. This would have modern graphics and capabilities, but would re-create the old world exacty as it is now (minus the glitches). I would ensure that current characters could be transfered to the new server/client (though possibly with a makeover). I would also make sure that current player assets could be transfered over.

4. I would re-open Blight with the new server/client as soon as was feasible, possibly for Alpha testing.

5. I would ensure the the most popular sugestions are included in the new server/client.

6. I would not even think of going live untill my testers told me that it was ready to go.

7. I would re-launch the game as Istaria 2. I would self publish with a digital download. I would advertise the hell out of it, making sure it was talked about on massively, the mmo report, ect, ect, ect.

8. I would move all current players to the new server/client along with all their assets 2 months prior to launch. Their accounts would move with them.

9. I would begin phasing out the old client so that by 2 months after launch it was gone (remember the new client should do EVERYTHING the old one does).

10. I would keep the current free trial system.

11. I would add a micro-transaction store that was for cosmetic items, in particular housing decorations.

12. I would launch and give current players a free month of play.

13. As soon as launch was done and succesful I would stop for 2 months and do nothing but fix bugs that come up (there will always be some)

14. I would then begin working on new content and features. I would try to go back to the standard of player driven events to unlock the new content, though not all of those events should include building.

Ahh well...that is just a basic plan and only what I would do. I do enjoy the game though and will stay (if nothing else this game still has the best crafting of all MMO's (even if tehnique components were making me pull my hair out today).
Have fun all and happy hunting.