I spent a number of hours on a lowbie character trying to find something on New Trismus that drops formulas and techniques. I tried sand pygmies and probably almost every type of undead on the island. After all that time, I found a grand total of one formula and one technique, and both were dropped off a named WA mob. Parry I dropped off of the Grand Magus, and Beginner Spell: Flame Ward off of the Reanimator.

...I don't know if it's intended that it be almost impossible for a character on NT to find forms/techs, but I know that if I were a new player, I would find it very disheartening that I cannot even try to find a tech or form that I need there.

On the other hand.. I found probably 60,000+ points worth of hoard items.

I don't know if this is the general trend for all tiers or not, but at least on NT, might I suggest that some of the hoard drop percentage be lessened in favor of higher tech/form drop rates?