It is with great sadness that I am saying goodbye for now.

Myself and my husband (Eldarath) need to cancel our subscriptions.

I have suffered a great number of personal disappointments with aspects of Istaria (which I will politely refrain from 'getting into' here -use resources but don't abuse them is all I will say) yet I have maintained a sub for some time, clinging onto hope. And I would still cling even now, but for my finances. The truth is that the combo of those disappointments and my real life financial state has led to me taking my leave...
I have invested a lot into Istaria, in terms of sub money of course, but in time, community building, attracting (many) new players, and many art assets. I am very sad to leave.

I do hope that maybe someday I can come back. We shall see how things play out.

I played Nambroth, Zhyree, Vesper (yes.. fizzzzsh) and Saralesa, so I apologize but these fine dragons must nap, for now.