great input, Phillip.
This has to be said/explained!! Thank you.

When I say, that drags should not be stronger (as long as challenges do not change) I also considered, like Galde said before,
that additional schools for dragons would and should mean, that other things had to be nerfed.
To make it consistent to biped multi classing.
Melee attacks have to be nerfed. Certain abilities should not be available. A dragon healer/wizard/druid/mage aso should only be allowed to wear approppriate scales/claws.
Some dragons will be stronger then than others. Some dragons then will be of more use for group fights like others.
Do dragons really want that?

Istaria needs dragons as tanks and powerful fighters.
There are enough bipeds to provide the hunts with the other schools.
If there should be a need for that.
Like Phillips said:
Dragons and healers- not more necessary for most of the challenges.

Dragon multi-classing might bring a lot of probs with the rites:
When should a multi-class dragon be allowed to make RoP/ARoP?
Dragon players tend to be impatient with that.
And I doubt that a dragon Healer/sorcerer is able to face the challenges of RoPs.

my facit:
I do not support the idea of dragon multiclaasing for several reasons:
First of all: It would disturb game balance and make my biped friends loose their jobs. There are already too much challenges ingame that need more dragons than bipeds to succeed (Queen, bosses certain questlines).
Making dragons that autarkic from biped help will stop interactions among the players. We already have more dragon than biped players.
Dragon school has enough wonderful features, giving them multiclassing too
will make "Istaria- Chronicles of the Gifted" to "Istaria-World of Dragons".