
You have to search for him.
You have to chase him.
He covers a wide area.
that can take a while.

Precious ingame time.

I can live with the fact, that I have to search for SoG in all ED.
And chase him if he is in the mood to hide or run.

But pls- is it really a challange, is it really fun to spend up to 1 h to find one of both??? Concerning me-NO
So send Valkor back to his castle and lock him there!

Next complaint about Valkor:
If you are lucky and find him- you have to get your group there- meanwhile he`s gone again.
I can live with the fact that the one who pulls, dies most of the time, that Valkor whipes group- no matter how strong we are.

But what happened to his guards? They are strong enough to be bosses themselves.

To make a long story short: Obviersly my friends and me are to weak and too unexperienced to kill Valkor, or the anchor or queen, or..

What is left to do- as we all have build up several plots and lairs?

Players of Chaos- as you are the ones who set the benchmarks-
shall Order players be satisfied with rp and crafting- do we have to leave our shard to succeed with the bosses? No probs at all on Chaos?

I know that it takes a lot of tactics to kill bosses- and be sure we know about that.
But its not possible for Order to play with full groups- we simply are not enough. Any ideas? Or is leaving Order the only solution?

and btw: this is not a lovesong;-)^^