Greetings Folks!

I hate to do this to everyone again, but it seems to be a good time for it since we no longer have Tazoon, and the economy has gotten a chance to work on itself a bit since the merger.

How much are people charging for your resources and what shard are you on?

Do things like spools sell now?

I know construction has gone up a LOT from what they were premerger on bounty. To the tune of 1s/Tier, before they were quite a bit less (on chaos of course).

I have seen some prices which were to me, well... incredible. Bright orbs selling for 100-300c? Was that someone just 'holding' orbs or was that for real? Glowings are almost non existant, but I see them for 100-300c as well.I think the main 'problem' is that ifpriced too low they get bought up in bulk and used for construction, when the person making the resource might be able touse it themselves to reap alarger profit.

Any thoughts?
