The game is dated, that's a given, I'm ok with the graphics and animations.

The game is not meant to be easy like so many out there. Good, awesome, that is why I'm here and not somewhere else.

However, a few things I've noted.

Sounds - these are overly compressed and many are just not good. Fixing sound effects isn't that hard, especially the way this game is. Now I will probably be working on my own sound pack soon, but this is one of those not super hard things to upgrade that adds polish to a game.

Running - Ok, so the game was developed in a time where running all over the map was the norm. Well now it's the exception. Gamers have gotten used to, and very well should expect better than that. Example: Go collect ore to make belts. Come back when you've got some ore. Now go back to where you just were and turn them into bars. Now return to me with the bars. Sweet those are bars, now go make 5 belts. Really? You can't even get multiple quests from the same crafting trainer to make this tolerable.

suggestion: I would start looking at the early quests and taking out excessive running. This really would help with new player retention.

The 'Roleplay' server - So the rules state names can't be phrases on this server - if I wanted to see OOC names I would have rolled on chaos. Speaking of that, since the roleplay server doesn't have much roleplay, or players, how can one get transferred to chaos? Not rerolling, not repeating the pointless running.

That said, I love most of the game and I should have started playing ages ago, but I was working for a competitor at the time, and assumed this was just another bad clone.