ok I don't want to start a debate about good/bad of the game.

I just wanted to post in case there are some Istarians running around Secret World Early Access (launch is next week, early access for preorders).

I'm there! On the DImension Arcadia-RP (of course). I have "Frith-Rae" as my LAST name, but Karmic is the name you'll need to add me to your friends list and see me in chat on.

Anyway, if any Istarians are checking this game out - feel free to add me to your friends list and look me up! Don't have to be on my "dimension" to talk to me (one server game) - but if you're wanting RP in the community and to see it in /say - then yo'ull want to roll up on Arcadia Dimension.

Hope to see any there .