I might be gone for a while, depending. I'm currently on a laptop which may or may not be able to function with Istaria. This comp is known to bluescreen a lot, but I know how to handle it... much like a skittish horse. So if I disappear for a while, then I probably was unable to make it work.

Meanwhile, I take time to grieve the loss of my first computer. It was both a birthday present and a graduation gift. It was purely custom... I seperately selected the parts, put it together, and created a wonderful gaming computer that was at its peak... seven or so years ago. It's slowly been dying, I had to replace the motherboard at one point with a patch-in after the first fried. I had no idea how right I was when jokingly saying how the tower looked like a poor, sick animal as we brought it in to IT tech to have it checked at when it no longer decided to boot up. Turns out, it's gone for good. Poor old Smilodon, you served me well.

That'll do, pig.

That'll do.