The past few days something has changed at the Kion teleport pad/shrine area. I'd been through the area hundreds of times before, but it began glitching and crashing when I got near - eventually my video card died so I thought that had been the cause. I replaced the card - same issue. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game - same issue. I tried playing on my mac - only a very minor issue. Has anyone else had this problem, or was something recently changed in that area?

I think my vid card on my PC is a Geforce GTX 280, it has the most recent drivers. The system is a quad-core 2.5ghz AMD something or other running Win 7 Pro, also completely updated. Not sure what's in my Mac but it's an Intel processor Macbook pro, top of the line and only 18mo old. I have no trouble playing other games, or anywhere else in Istaria (at least, not that I've noticed yet).