
I'm returning after many years of wandering. This game, as my first MMO, has always had a special place for me. The crafting, the world events, multiclassing, dragons everywhere.

When I first wandered into New Trismus this weekend, and the music kicked in.... Oooh the music, so many things started flooding back.

I have an 80 Reaver, a 31 shaman and an adorable lvl 20 hatchling. I was looking at my skills on the Reaver, and I have "Cure Zymosis Morbidae"" Does anyone here still remember that time? I still remember standing in lines in New Trismus patiently waiting to be cured by friendly dragons who had undertaken the task of learning the cure. It was just neat things like that, that have always stuck out in my head. Crafting tunnels and bridges to unlock new worlds and content.

Cargo Disks! I love cargo disks!

I am a little lost, as much as changed. I will need some help, and guidance, and a little advice here and there. But I am very pleased to be back in Istaria. I was deposited on the Order shard, where I will make my new home.

So if you see anyone with the last name of Darvensword, looking puzzled, crafting, or occassionally dying horribly. It would be me. (Including the naked dwarf running around New Trismus this past weekend.) I thank whomever placed affordable starting crafted gear on the NT Consigner! I think their name was Fyd.

And also, I mentioned it to customer service, but wanted to say it again. How incredibly pleased and suprised that upon logging back into my account after nearly 7 years. All my characters were still there in the gear they logged off in, their vaults were full of what I had left there, and even all of the building materials for the home I had built all those years ago were sitting in my vault, waiting for me to use them once again. It was like coming home.

A sign of good things to come!