hope this is the right thread to post this, after saterday it may be deleted

Just an FYI to all my fellow Istaria players, I won`t be able to get in game all this week, possibly next week depending on if the problem can get fixed right away or not.
A utility line outside my house that connects to my internet has been damaged by a fallen branch this last wind storm, causing my net to pop on, and off sparaticly. So I can`t even get in game for longer then a few minutes. I have a technician coming Saterday to hopefully replace the entire line. if that doesn`t fix my connection issue, then I will need to order a new modem. which could take as long as 4 weeks to arrive.
So in the mean time cross your fingers, and talons that it`s only the line, and I`ll be back in the land of Istaria by Saterday night.