Well folks you better keep your fingers crossed, if anyone goes to look at the court docs you will find Verio is still quite mad at AE it seems and is pulling out the big guns.

They found out about Tulga games and how it ties directly in with DB, and they aren't happy about it , and they are calling Tulga a shell company.

With the proof that they have ( easy to obtain ), they waited a bit to let AE have just enough rope to hang themselves with and now is showing the courts all the info.

They are asking the judge to liquidate all assests in order to pay both the secured and unsecured debts, this will very likely mean the end of HZ as we now know it.

You don't have to believe me, go look up the info on your own, it's not good .

Play while you can, becuase im a fewmonths you may no longer have the option.