10 years Horizons/Istaria-
but we can witness- we are still here.

So there are innumerable reasons to say "Thank you" to innumerable people.

I shall leave the big speeches to the native speakers.
I just want to say THANK YOU with all my heart to the beautiful people,
I had the priviledge to meet ingame in this last decade:
To my fellow players who came and left again,
to those who became close friends ingame
and those who even became trusted and beloved friends in rl.

Thank You to all the developers of this game.
Thank you to the people of Virtrium who saved our virtual life
and who still are aware of their social responsibility-in saving the game from unhealthy influences
without allowing it to be antiquated.
So its still possible that very young and very old people can play together, group and have fun without any frontiers.

And in the first place: The spirit of Istaria (or x-factor like Velveeta once called it):
It is still there- after all those years.
Sometimes more -sometimes less
Its our turn to keep it alife for the next 10 years.

Dear Istarians- I would appreciate it very much if you would add your thoughts about our anniversary here.

I feel like all of you deserve a wonderful gift- but thats not possible- so I (or Flameus) shall post some very special
screen-shots here in the next days. All dedicated to VI and the community.
Feel free to add your gifts too, e.g. Poems, songs, paintings aso.

With love

Lov and Flame

and- as they are always in the first flight-
here the big and hearty hugs for...Amon and Velea