At one point, anyone skilled enough could singlehandedly kill a blight hound; sure they were a pain to kill but at least you didn't need backup for them. Now, I don't know when this was implemented but the current blight hounds are IMPOSSIBLE to handle on your own. My ancient that used to be able to handle them with little more difficulty than anything else in the Eastern Deadlands now gets completely murdered by them. No kidding. First attack they dish out takes out 90% of my health and then they stun and finish the job. Used to be that only Fafnir could put a damper on hunting down the hounds, when he was in the area you would vacate it immediately unless you had a strong group and were determined to hang a large blight hound pelt in your home of choosing. This is normal, that should be expected, but really should it be that way for a normal blight hound? Myself, Alisto, and his healer tried tackling the 'new and improved' blight hounds and failed miserably. Now Alisto is one of the strongest fighters I know in the game and we only managed to (barely) kill one blight hound though not before dying several times... and several times after before we gave up on me getting my Ceremonial Chest Scale from the Imperial Outpost quest.

What I suggest is keeping the blight hounds challenging to fight but scaling them back down to a point where they can be killed by a single player again. Again, I'm not sure when they were messed with and made more difficult to kill but I do remember a point less than a year ago when they were difficult but not impossible to solo and I would love to have them restored to that difficulty.

Devs, let me ask you: Do we really need individual blight hounds tough enough to require a strong group to kill?