•Make texture cache save and load faster

I don't normally comment on Blight releases, unless there is something bad or something worth pointing out. Today, I actually want to post because I'm am in awe about the speed increase, that tech team pulled off. This is easily 10x faster.

I don't want you to clear your cache just to test this, this really should only be done when it's needed.

But today I cleared my world cache. I then teleported to Dalimond. There are about 25 NPC's within "range" upon arrival.

I immediately get about 25 "Sorry for the bump, preparing cache for NPC Name so it will load faster next time.

Normally I get about a 1-2 second freeze on the screen when this occurs. This is 1-2 seconds per bump. So this could have been a 20 second freeze, normally. If I am running while the "bump" messages occur, then I usually freeze for a moment. Or don't have to be running, can just be rotating the camera around, same thing.

I was able to run FULL SPEED, the entire time the bump messages was occurring. I was even getting a few more messages as I around town. The entire time, I didn't really even notice any pause or freeze.

Also want to comment on 387.24
•Animation Khutit to Dragon pops

This fixes a long time bug I've noticed. When you go from Dragon to Khutit form, it's a pretty smooth animation. When going from Khutit back to dragon, there was this quick flash. It was like the full sized dragon flashed on screen, that quickly disappeared, then the animation continue normally. This "quick flash" of being full-sized dragon for a moment is gone now.

•Allow binary effect files (rtm files) to be located in resources override now

The .rtm files (effect binary files) that are located in /resources/defintions/effectsbin folder were previously hard coded. Which meant the client didn't recognize any .rtm files that were placed in the resources_override folder. This is good for testing things for one. Lets say you want to change certain effect to another one, this can now be done more easily by simply copying an existing .rtm file to the override folder and renaming it to an effect you want instead.

Want to have some fun with the loot corpse effect, for example?

The current loot indicator (swirling white light) is called effect_unlooted.rtm

This screenshot shows me where I changed it to the effect_acid_spray.rtm effect.
I did this by copying effect_acid_spray.rtm to the resources_override folder. I then renamed it to effect_unlooted.rtm (restart game).

But seriously, I've seen a post on forums that the current unlooted indicator effect could potentially lag players. It doesn't me, but at least this gives options. I'm going to create blank.rtm on an upcoming client release that does no effects. So it will be possible to just "undo" certain effects, such as the loot indicator from occurring. This would be done by copying blank.rtm to resources_override folder and renaming it to effect_unlooted.rtm , for example.

Happy Hunting!