– Dragon Healer/Mage. Early in the Age of the Dragons, it was discovered that the air high in the sky was rich in a strange Primal energy that could be manipulated using Primal techniques, but did not correspond to their understanding of Prime. The dragons called this energy Storm, for it was most noticeable during lightning storms. Cloud-Dancers made use of the Storm, as did Windmenders, though for different purposes – while the Dancers utilized it for combat and communication, the Menders used it to heal wounds, as the Acolytes had lost much of their power with the exodus of the gods. While it was later discovered that Storm was Primal that had been infused with both nature and life energy due to their Realms and their gods crossing the Prime and that the ‘impure’ Primal energy was deemed not worth mastering, many of their techniques were passed down to the dragons of today – Menders responsible for Primal Breezes and Dancers for Gusts. Rumors persist, however, that fragments of these schools’ teachings were collected by the scholar, Helian, and that she attempted to piece together knowledge of the Storm – creating a new school of study called Cloudmenders. If this is true, she did not perfect it before her death, and may have taken it to her grave…

Completed “Helian’s Legacy” questline, which itself requires a level 100 Conqueror.

Armor – 5
Dexterity – 6
Focus – 9
Health – 27
Power – 9
Strength – 6

Dragon Breath – 9
Evasion – 7
Magic Evasion – 9
Primal – 10
Storm – 10
Tooth and Claw – 7

Cloudmenders can use all Primal and Storm spell except the following: Primal Wave, Primal Beam

-Shared Abilities-
Galewind [Unchanged]
Snarl [Unchanged]
Primal Roar [Unchanged]
Staggering Howl [Unchanged]
Allowance of Power [Unchanged]

-New Abilities-

Tempestuous Healing* – A sudden storm infuses the target with life-giving energy.
[Level: 5, 25, 45, 64, 85; Animation: Refreshing Breeze]
When Used
Delay: 30
Recycle: 1:30
Range: 30
Skill: Storm
Target Effect: Bolstering Winds
Bolstering Winds Effect
Heals: 25-30 [+25-35 per level]
Duration: 0:45
Frequency: 0:15
[Dev Note: This is a 3 tick heal that overwrites breezes and healing cloud. It does stack with Life-giving Rain and Refreshing Breeze. It functions similar to an instant heal but, of course, is not instant. For more info, check the notes on Healing Cloud in the spell section.]

Entertaining Clouds – Whimsical glowing clouds distract a target from action.
[Level; 15, 35, 55, 75, 95; Animation: Mage’s Maddening Trick]
When Used
Delay: 20
Recycle: 0:45
Range: 30
Skill: Storm
Target Effect: Entertained
Entertained Effect
Prevents any actions
Limits Speed to 0
Limits Fly Speed to 0
Removed after 1 hits taken
Duration: 0:15 [+0:05 per level]
[Optional Text: “Are you not?”]

Rain of Acid* – An acidic rain falls upon victims in a small area and lingers. (AE damage with DoT component)
[Level: 4, 24, 44, 64, 84; Animation: Corrosive Rain]
When Used
Extra Damage: 25-30 [+25-26]
Attack Type: Storm
Delay: 30
Recycle: 1:30
Range: 30
Area: 6
Skill: Storm
Target Effect: Rain of Acid
Rain of Acid Effect:
Extra Damage: 3-9 Storm [+7-11 per level]
Duration: 0:30
Frequency: 0:10

Life-giving Rain – (AE refreshing Breeze, Hoard, conflicts with refreshing breeze)
[Level 11, 31, 51, 71, 91; Animation: Blight Ward]
When Used
Delay: 30
Recycle: 5:00
Range: Self Only
Area: 15
Skill: Storm
Hoard Cost: 125 (+325 per level)
Target Effect: Rain of Life
Rain of Life Effect
Heals: 155-165 [+45-55 per level]
Duration: 0:35
Frequency: 0:07
[Lore Text: “Legend has it that Istara herself gifted the rain to Istaria, so that it might nourish the creatures Alyssa had given her. But we dragons know differently. The Storm is but Prime that wishes to see life renewed. Should we not respect the wishes of the Prime?” –Nyestra Helian, “Tablets of the Cloudmender”]

Enhanced Storm Bolt* – A powerful storm spell special attack
[Level: 2,12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 82, 92; Animation: Lightning Bolt]
When used:
Damage: 30-40 [+15-17 per level]
Attack Type: Storm
Delay: 30
Recycle: 1:00
Range: 30
Skill: Storm

Storm’s Fury* – Increases magical damage for the group for a short duration
[Level: 50; Animation: Nature’s Fury]
When Used
Delay: 20
Recycle: 1:45
Range: Self Only
Area: 15
Target Effect: Storm’s Fury
Storm’s Fury Effect:
Range Only Spells Only
Does 112% of normal damage
Duration: 1:00

Cleansing Waters* – (detox self) [Level: 47; Animation: Purify]
When Used
Delay: 20
Recycle: 0:45
Range: Self Only
Attempts to remove hostile effects
Max removals: 1
Dispell strength: Automatic
[Lore Text: “Some of our Lunus-minded brothers have called us Waterbloods. Even my father has called me this to my face. I say to you, embrace this word. Make it your own. For water, too, is a valued resource. Do not these Primal bodies require water to live? Does not fluid water move around obstacles? And in time, water can carve away stone and make a path where one did not exist before.” –Nyestra Helian, “On the Rhetoric of Hate”]

Grand Tempest – (single target DoT which pulses 3-4 for damage around the victim)
[Level 20, 40, 60, 80, 100; Animation: Mystic Blaze with larger scale]
When Used
Delay 20
Recycle: 2:00
Range: Self Only
Skill: Storm
Hoard Cost: 200 [+200 per level]
Target Effect: Eye of the Storm
Eye of the Storm Effect:
Area: 15
Target Effect: Wracked by Storm
Duration: 0:30
Frequency: 0:15
Wracked by Storm Effect:
Extra Damage: 22-25 Storm [+22-23 per level]
Duration: 0:10
Frequency: 0:05
[Lore Text: “Legend says that Drulkar, flying alone, grew lonely in his solitude. And so he created the wind to fly with him. The wind was his consort and we, his children, can still call upon her – if we dare reap the jealous whirlwind.” –Nyestra Helian, “Tablets of the Cloudmender”]

Negation – (Strong targeted dispel. Hoard.)
[Level: 14, 34, 54, 74, 94; Animation: Expulse]
When Used
Attack Type: Storm
Delay: 20
Recycle: 0:45
Range: 30
Skill: Storm
Attempts to remove beneficial effects
Max removals: 3
Dispell strength: 180 [+200 per level]
[Lore Text: “Long have we maintained that Realm magic is inferior to Prime, but in truth all energy that exists on the Prime does so for a reason. As stewards of the Prime, we must learn when we can allow them to mingle, and when we must unmake them.” –Nyestra Helian, “Tablets of the Cloudmender”]

Thunder and Lightning – Blasts with the power of the Storm, stunning the target upon impact, and again a short time later.
[Level: 17, 37, 57, 77, 97; Animation: Thundercloud]
When Used
Damage: 14-15 [+24-29 per level]
Attack Type: Storm
Delay: 20
Recycle: 1:00
Range: 30
Skill: Storm
Target Effect: Thunderstruck
Thunderstruck Effect
Duration: 0:20
Frequency: 0:19
Target Effect: Echo
Echo Effect [Animation: Thunder]
Prevents any actions
Limits Speed to 0
Limits Fly Speed to 0
Duration: 0:05
[Dev Note: I think this should stun, and then 19 seconds later, should stun again. If this only actually stuns once after 19 seconds, this needs to have a third effect or be otherwise modified.]

Soulsunder – Storm damage becomes ethereal for the duration, but reduces power to 85%
[Level: 79; Animation: Fusion Burn]
When Used
Delay: 20
Recycle: 2:00
Range: Self Only
Area: 15
Target Effect: Storm’s Fury
Storm’s Fury Effect:
85% Base Power
Range Only Spells Only
Damage is Ethereal
Duration: 0:30

Redirection – Sparkling lights encourage an opponent to attack your ally instead of you. (Reverse defend other – chance for your ally to intercept attacks for a short duration)
[Level 13, 33, 53, 73, 93; Animation: Fireflies]
When Used
Delay: 20
Recycle: 3:00
Range: 10
Target Effect: Redirected Attacks
Redirected Attacks Effect
15% chance to intercept attacks against caster [+5% per level]
Duration: 1:00
[Dev Note: Not sure if there is such a thing as ‘attacks against caster’ as there is against target. This ability may be beyond the tech that exists. If so, I recommend a targeted damage absorption based ability in its place.]

Dance of the Storm – (stance) +100 Storm skill, 30% chance to reduce incoming spell damage by 10% [Level: 100; Animation: X stance (I don’t know what colors are available for these, so pick whichever makes the most sense.)]