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Thread: War Paint (Stances Modification)

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    Default War Paint (Stances Modification)

    Hey everyone!

    Something that always annoyed me about the stances was the little marker they put under you. It's useful, of course, but not very.. pretty, I suppose? Either way, it looked a bit strange compared to other spells and animations. My mod probably looks even more different, but it was just an idea that came to me out of the blue that I decided to try to throw together!

    Without further adieu, introducing... war paint!
    Fire Stance

    Acid Stance

    Arcane Stance

    These replace the stances as an effect, allowing you to look like a more terrifying and decorated warrior as you fight back the aegis!
    I'm terrible with advertising, haha

    Basically, these files replace the little marker underneath you for your stance animations. They are each hooked up to their respective colors - fire to red, acid to green, and arcane to blue. (They're just called Red Paint, Green Paint, and Blue Paint in the files though.)
    I've included a version that is compatible with my mod for wing membrane color. However, make sure you do not use this unless you are using the underwing mod, too! There's a weird glitch that makes it so that you cannot see the wing/head markings if you don't have the underwing mod active at the same time.
    The paint will go over the wing membrane color. Also note that if you download every stance's compatibility version, every single stance will also activate your membrane color of choice. If you download only the corresponding color in compatibility, using other stances will remove your membrane color.

    Look for my posts in this thread for future updates!
    The drive also has top-down screenshots. The screenshots above may not accurately represent how the colors look on your character considering my character looks.. well.. different. Your eyes read colors based off of colors next to them, so the blue might look super harsh here due to Racktor's clashing yellow, but might look nice on a darker or bluer character.

    Download Here:

    How to Download:
    1. Follow the link to the Google Drive folder.
    2. Double-click on the .zip version of the stance(s) you want.
    3. Click the little down arrow pointing at a line on the top black bar to download. (If you can't see this, move your cursor to the top of the webpage.)

    How to Install (Normal Version):
    1. Move the .zip folder into Resources_Override
    2. Right-click and choose "Extract here"
    3. (Optional) Delete the .zip folder

    How to Install (Underwing Compatibility Version):
    1. Download the underwing mod and install it as per usual.
    2. Delete the "aug_stance_COLOR.def" from the underwing mod's folder.
    3. Move the war paint .zip file into the resources_override folder.
    4. Right-click and choose "Extract Here"
    5. (Optional) Delete the .zip(s)

    NOTE: For now, this is for only dragons and khutit. I cannot figure out how to get it to work on bipeds, unfortunately, since they have a lot of layers and layer groups. Dragons are easy - they only have one group. Bipeds...? Unfortunately it may not be possible, unless I only do a face paint version. If you know how to get it to work, though, please do tell me!

    Feel free to post screenshots of your dragons with this mod! I love to see how it looks on others!
    Last edited by Racktor; September 17th, 2015 at 12:46 AM.

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