I've not been around these parts in... what now, like 3 years I think?

It's been a long, long time either way. I'm not going to burden you all with "what's changed?" questions, because I'm sure a ton of stuff has been changed in 2+ years (esp when I can't even remember exactly when it was since I last played), though I wonder if anybody even remembers me, lol.

It's okay if not.

Basically, I've been bored out of my skull lately as I left WoW a year ago, didn't really like how fast FFXIV keeps churning out content so I stopped playing that too. I'm a very casual player and those kinda games are all about the raiding scene, and you gotta be doing 20+ hours a week or you get left behind, and/or unable to join any serious guilds.

That's one thing I always liked about Istaria, it is (or was?) slow and casual-friendly, with long-term goals that can be chipped away at bit-by-bit. I decided to start a fresh free account to see what has changed, etc... I may or may not resurrect my old account, I don't know... I think I'd feel so lost logging onto a character that is already far into levels because I wouldn't remember how to play them, where stuff is, etc. I think it is probably better re-learn everything from start, I think.

That, and I'm just looking for a relaxin' time. I will ask one question, though: How's the population/community? Last time I played, Order was dwindling a bit though Chaos was still rather healthy. How is it these days? Has it improved or is it the same core people keeping the game alive?

I'm somewhat surprised this game is still going, I had the inspiration today to install and see how things are and thought I'd post here to see if anybody remembers me, lol. Well anyways, thought I'd pop in and say hi!

EDIT: GAH, I forgot if you don't allow scripts, it fails to see line breaks...... gimme a sec to fix that.