I have an observation and a suggestion.

Observation: Many of the guild towns are empty or are only populated on the main plot.

Suggestion: As things are revamped and areas are rethought, would it be possible to make some of these empty areas true player city centers? In other words, make the main plot (A TOWN FOUNDER PLOT) much larger and purchasable through a larger amount of gold AND ALSO loyalty tokens, and the smaller plots (purchasable by anyone) maybe more expensive than a single silver, but not as much as independent communities. Also, it would be nice if there were actually a decent number of resources nearby.

Why am I suggesting this?

1. It rewards long time players who value the construction system with the ability to make truly useful city centers that, given the player's longevity, have a chance of sticking around and continuing to be useful. With enough space, the plot owner has the ability to not only make the place useful, but also to create a beautifully landscaped area that is attractive to others. It gives other players who don't want to go to all that trouble a place where they can find what they need and put up a little homestead.

2. I can't speak for Chaos, but on Order there aren't that many guilds who are large, active, and use the guild plots. The larger guilds here generally take over independent towns where the plots are larger and more useful. There are so many empty guild plots and it's a sad waste of landscape.

3. Right now, in many areas where the guild plots are, it feels like there are some token resources thrown in, but not much to speak of in many areas. Unless something got ninja'd in, there's not a single mob or resource to be had on Shepherd's Island. It's just a place to build something pretty and dump your stuff. The big plots are taken because, well, they're big and the rest of the place is just a big empty nothing. Sad. There's no reason to explore or revisit.

4. I'm aware that there are logistic issues with this suggestion and that plots are claimed differently on each server. However, I'm willing to bet there are places that are just flat out empty in both places because they just don't have much to offer an active player. If whole tier areas can be revamped, so can plot areas. It doesn't have to be right now, but can it be at least considered?