Someone mentioned in another thread a conversation I was having with DB about a reward for sticking with the game through all this mergers and rough times since. He loved the idea but wanted some of our thoughts on what a good reward would be.

The things David told me to remember when he asked me what i thought should be a good reward, it cant be game in-balancing, it has to be usable by all races or 2 rewards with something comperable to for both bi-peds and dragons. keep in mind the shoulder pets, they didnt give any bonus and they didnt give any way to get a bonus (or an advantage to getting something).

Now here is my suggestions- per account active since atleast the merger.

+100 Training Points to ONE character ( something we earned due to down time and is a boost because it isnt tied to level TPs)

1 extra character slot

a title for one character, shown below guild name "Chaor/Order Settler" or "Veteran of the Invasions"

Please post some more Ideas everyone! trust me they are listening to this one, even if they dont pick our ideas maybe we will give them something to work with