And here we are! Only few steps away from the event itself. Without further ado let's just jump right in.
Voting rules
1. You can vote for only. One. Person. Per. Shard. As in if you vote for a nominee of Order, that's it, you can't vote for a SECOND nominee on order. You can however, vote for a Chaos nominee regardless of your shard.
2. Please be unbiased. Don't vote on a nominee just because they're your friend. The position rp-wise is very responsible, if you believe a nominee is not fit to carry this title then vote for one that you think does.
3. Speakers of Flames won't be just left alone, don't worry. We will guide you through this once you are chosen.
4. Absolutely no drama, no campaigning against other nominees. Convince people that YOU are the right speaker without undermining your contenders.
Voting deadline: JAN 7TH
Time of the event is still undecided, it will be set in accordance to the Speakers.