So we get the popup window now with news. That's cool.

The message of the day, down in the chat window, could be something a bit more useful than "maintenance is performed on Tuesdays.. blah blah." We know this. And new players who don't figure it out pretty quick. One player whined about patch day and now the message has to be this bland thing? And its not needed to really state anything about maintenance there anyway, now that we have the popup news.

Whatever happened to:
[03/04/04 11:52:40] Message of the day: Twilight : Long after dawn and just before dark, your adventure awaits, should you dare to embark...
Something that at least tries to put you into the game. Anyway, rant over, suggestion is an idea for something to add to the message of the day.

While exploring the snowy landscape on Chaos, I've come across about 10 unbuilt craft shacks, some I didn't even know were there. Usually pretty easy now for someone to find a machine, they show up on the map once built. But unbuilt structures just hide out.

The idea is to append a listing of any unbuilt structures by name and co-ords, to the end of the message of the day. Each on their own line. Would need to find a way to auto-generate this since it will be different on every shard. Perhaps at the minimum, the list could be compiled the night before patch day, and applied to each shards' MOD as part of the maint process. So at least it would update weekly.

Would be very very helpful for builders to find stuff to build, and to get some of these lost shacks found and built.

Example of one is a stoneworking shelter just north of the wizard tower, I didn't even know it was there. Probably added in the last few years, but still unbuilt. Another one is just west of Hermits cave. 2 Shacks near t3 golems in the tazoon desert. Several in kirasanct tundra, some on scorpion island, some on Genevia. All tiers just about. Dralk community lair still has a t6 grand hall, lots of players might not know its even there for several years...