The first book ever published about Istaria (THUNDER AND LIGHTNING - STORM RISE, STORM WAKING) was originally presented chapter by chapter in a player channel called The Hall of Mirrors on Order. At player request, it's going to be presented on Chaos, a chapter a week in a channel there also called The Hall of Mirrors. First chapter - this Saturday (Nov 17). Estimated time: 17:00 Eastern.

Once upon a time. So many stories start that way, do they not? Well, once upon a time, in the Land of Order, a drake named Sephiranoth was digging gems in the lava tube on Fire Isle. He was approached by someone who had heard whispers of the maddening confusion he oft spoke of his history. She wanted some similar history for herself, and wondered if he might, perhaps, offer some ideas. Just a page or so, mayhap?
Well, that 'page or so' grew rather beyond any count either had anticipated. Over the next four years they would write new parts together, Sephiranoth ShadowSeeker, called Fool, and Thunder also, and Sonea Finder, called Storm's Heart and Lightning. And as each part was done, then it would be presented to those of Order who chose to seek it in The Hall of Mirrors. And many would gather, and the dragon TaleSpinner, if dragon she was, would come down from the mountains and speak new words.
And that might have been all, and if it had, then it would have been no small all.
But the gods of Istaria, and the Rick god, they did hear of the words TaleSpinner spoke. And it seemed to them that the words should not be lost. And thus was born Istaria Publishing, though it is no more. And thus was born the first book published by Istaria Publishing - STORM RISE, STORM WAKING - though it too is no longer available (but that may change):

But that was Order, and that was long ago. But that which sleeps need not die, and the Tale is no different. So The Hall of Mirrors has been made new on Chaos, and starting this weekend (Saturday November 17), THUNDER AND LIGHTNING will be presented as it once was to Order, to those who wish to gather in the Hall, not all in one speaking, but chapter by chapter as before. Come one, come all - for TaleSpinner's wings beat! Did ye ever hear tell of the Thunder and Lightning? The Fool and the Fair?

Oh - and there is a longer term plan . When THUNDER AND LIGHTNING was first published, as an in-game product Virtrium quite rightly owned the copyright and Intellectual Property rights. Rick has transferred those back to us as authors and we intend to turn it into a general market ebook. This will require editing to make some of the Istaria elements clearer to non-players, but that's our goal .