Fall of Tazoon: Refugees
Quest type: Errand
From NPC(s): Gebble Gearblat
Required adventure school: Any (level: 45)
Locations: Granite Hills Camp
Previous quest(s): Fall of Tazoon: Introduction
Next quest(s): Fall of Tazoon: Welger Patrols, Fall of Tazoon: Survivors
View this quest in the quest tree
Item(s) required to start, progress or finish the quest:
Coarse Unspun Cotton, Rough Oak Log, Raw Gruok
The Cataclysm that has befallen the Grand City of Tazoon created numerous refugees, many of whom fled without possessions and barely the clothes on their backs. They are in need of food, clothing, and even fires to keep them warm.

1 Quest text
2 Steps
3 Target mobs
4 Rewards
Quest text[edit]
She laughs nervously.

Gebble tells you, Well, polish my gears, one of the Gifted! I thought I saw you over there talking to the Sergeant and I'd hoped you would come speak to me. And here you are! Don't mind me, I'm just so excited to meet you. Well, and to get to ask you for a favor... if it's not too much of a burden.

She claps her hands.

Gebble tells you, You will?!?! Wow! The refugees, <player>, they surely need our help. They are here without food, without warmth, some of them even without much in the way of clothing! I was hoping you might help me acquire some supplies. Yes?

She claps her hands.

Gebble tells you, Oh excellent! We've got plenty of trees to cut down for campfires and I'm sure that I heard some gruoks making noise in the woods nearby, even just a few could feed the whole camp. Clothing might take a bit more work, but I'm sure we can figure out something together!

Gebble tells you, Ah, yes good <player>. This will be more than sufficient! With warm fires and something to fill their bellies we can worry about the clothing situation now. If I'm not mistaken, I think I spotted some Coarse Cotton Plants in the Bloody Tears. Clothes made out of them are warmer than regular cotton plants. Would you perhaps be willing to get some? Follow the road southeast. The refugees will be so glad to get out of those rags.

Gebble tells you, The refugees will be so thankful for your help! I'll make sure everyone knows about the hero that found the kindness to help them with their struggles. You have my gratitude and theirs.

Gebble tells you, Oh! It looks like Sergeant Talbot is approaching, he must need to speak with you.

Wait for Sergeant Talbot to arrive and speak with him.

Listen to Gebble
Gebble needs your help
Geeble gives you directions
Gather at least one-hundred (100) Rough Oak Logs from the Trees around the Camp with an Istarian Army Knife or Dragon Intuition ability
Gather at least twenty-five (25) slabs of Raw Gruok from the Bloodridge Foragers roaming the woods around the Camp (you can use an Istarian Army Knife or Dragon Intuition ability if you don't have craft skills)
Return to Gebble Gearblat at the Granite Hills Camp with the supplies
Gather at least fifty (50) Coarse Unspun Cotton deep inside the Bloody Tears along the road with an Istarian Army Knife or Dragon Intuition ability. The Bloody Tears lie to the southeast of the camp
Return to Gebble Gearblat at the Granite Hills Camp with the cotton
Target mobs[edit]
Bloodridge Forager
Adventure Experience: 16800
Money: 15s

I am not able to Gather the (50) Coarse Unspun Cotton using the Istarian Army Knife, it tells me to use a Hunting Knife.