An alt of mine has had this quest for several months. It says to travel to the western deadlands and kill 3 wraith Warriors until you find the crystal.Wraith Overseers do not count, killed 20 or so in WD looking for wraith ectoplasm.

Is there any mobs in game that will count towards this quest?

The quest text log sounds like it is referring to the old, old, Mob layout of the western deadlands, before it was named the western deadlands. ( Back when we called it west blight and full of wraiths and werewolves).

AE, can you fix this quest so that overseers will count? I can't delete and restart the quest if it is, or has beenchanged, since my character is in his 60's now, and the quest is only granted if you are under level 25 I think it is.
