Hey everyone! I just got back from a long excursion through the World of Warcraft and Lineage 2. Glad to be back.

I don't understand how cargo dealies or bags work. I bought a cheap 400 capacity bag yesterday thinking it would expand my carrying abilities, but the weight seems to be the same whether I put stuff in the bag or the vault or whatever. Total noob question, I know, but what's the point of a bag then? Especially one that's already of less capacity than the starter bag? Is there a place I can find all this info? If I could get a link I could read up on it instead of bothering you guys. [;)]

Also, I made a character, played it for a bit the other day then deleted it. I then tried to make another character with the same name, but it kept telling me the name was already in use. Do I have to wait a few days for the name to clear from the server or will I now never be able to use that name again (even though it's not in use and the character was deleted)?

Thanks so much for your time.