I'm looking to buy a new graphics card and wanted to get some input about what would be a good buy. I'm more of a software guy and haven't been tracking the latest graphics cards. It's really other things which are driving this but since I use this comp to play HZ too I wanted to make sure I won't hose anything there. These are my requirements.

1. MUST run HZ well. My current system has very few problems and I want to keep things that way.

2. Should be at least as good as my current card which is a GeForce 4 Ti4200 with 128 MB of memory. Preferably it should do better of course. It should DEFINATELY do better overall on most apps or there's no reason to change.

3. I'd like to pay no more then $300. That's a soft number but if I go over it must be for a good reason. If possible I'd like to spend less then that.

The rest of my system specs are 3.02 GHz CPU, 1 GB RAM, XP Home edition with SP 2.

IS there anything better out there? Anyway, I thought I'd ask.