I'm giving Horizon's another shot with the 14day trial. Last time I played was during retail launch and I really enjoyed the game, but the continued client/server problems drove me away after a month of frustration.

I see there's only 3servers now, so I would imagine there was some kind of server merges that happened since I last played.

I'm on the Chaos server and getting adjusted to this game again. Can't seem to find the beginner lore token guy anywhere in the newb town, so if anyone can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.

I have over 11years of background in MMORPG and gaming in general, I've played them all. A brief listing:

1. Alpha/Beta Tested Sierra's "The Realm" way back in 1990 which in turn got taken over by Codemasters, then Noresman Games. Was my first MMORPG game.

2. Asheron's Call 1 (Played for over 6+ years), loved every minute of it but it seems to be coming to a close now. They just lost 4 of their core longtime workers and it's up in the air basically what happens past this month. The most fun I had was back in 1999/2000/2001 when Mr.Bowman was still part of the Dev Team. Hiya Dave. [;)]

3. Ultima Online (Great game, really feels alive)

4. Anarchy Online (Lot's of fun and a nice break from fantasy settings)

5.Asherons Call 2 (Played totally different then AC1, but was fun in it's own ways. To bad they are shutting AC2 down at the end of this year.)

6. Horizons (Really enjoyed it, but launch bugs/client problems drove me away)

7. City Of Heroes (Lot's of fun, but gets boring quick as all your doing is beating up the mobs, no crafting or anything else to keep you interested long term)

8. A Tale In The Dessert (Very Unique game, no combat at all)

9. Dark Age Of Camelot (Fun but allot like the other mmorpg games out there, could not get into it)

10. Ashen Empires (Almost just like Ultima Online, but costs less.)

Out of them all I really enjoyed Horizons the most, just like I said above launch was a real mess and a major headache.

I'm looking forward to some crafting, smashing some critters, and building a home. I always did like the Red/Green/Blue stances and having to adjust for them, made for some exciting combat to keep up. Is that still in game?

Also I was a paladin before, is this class still good to play or anyone have any suggestions about the others.
