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Thread: Hi this game any good?

  1. #1

    Default Hi this game any good?

    Been trolling around for game with player based homes and crafting and some decent gameplay. I am a member of a guild of star wars galaxies exiles as they recently changed the very core of the game for the 2nd time and have lost an amazing amount of customers. And good riddance.

    I want to start by asking about the support in this game. Are the support team any good? are they lacking? or are they non existant? [:D]

    second question [8-|]is there anyone who plays this game and has done so for a while that can give me any positive remarks or even negative remarks about this game? any feed back from a veteran player would be most welcome.

    oh and also is the crafting and economy any good? a nice crafting system and economy goes a long long way!!!

    will be loggin in soon on a free trial account but any info is welcome thx!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Hi this game any good?

    Same questions were answred here basically. I think there are a lot of really fair assessments of the game in that thread. :)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Hi this game any good?

    why thankyou most helpful indeed.*thumbs up*

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hi this game any good?

    i would also like to hear anything about pvp. I am an addicted pvp'er, and I haven't seen anything about pvp yet. Is there any pvp in game? and is it just a case of "I'm a higher level than you so you are betteroff getting on your kneesand begging for your life". Of course a newb can't just walk into pvp but I am thinking more about later on in the game. Any input welcome here.

    game now 40% its a slkow download too hmmph [:)]

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hi this game any good?

    Welcome to Istaria. As Snowsonia mentioned, the post she linked is probably your best bet for most of the information you asked about in your original post. To answer your question about PVP...there is no PVP on the live servers, Chaos (regular) and Order (RP). There is a pvp arena type area on the test server, Blight. Horizons is not and was never intended to be a PVP game.

    On another note, the servers will be going down in approximately 2 1/2 hours for the regular weekly maintenance (every Tues at 5am PST) so ifyour download and install finishes just before orduring that time, you won't be able to jump right in and play. Maintenance time is normally only a few hours so dependending on how long it takes to finish your download, servers may be back up by the time you get the game installed.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Hi this game any good?

    oh my gawsh no pvp[:'(] not sure if i want to play now....

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