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Thread: Do you remember when...

  1. #41

    Default Re: Do you remember when...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tigris
    Two words: Salt Rock
    ahh yes the "bonus" reasource for everything probabally even got it in wells
    ....when skeletons and zombies and such were only slightly tougher then other monsters there level
    ....when people found better things to complain about other than "rampant multiclassing
    ....running into someone from the prev. game you played just to find out he/she was moving to another game as soon as it came out
    ....when amggots could kill you
    ....fighting level 4 maggots at level 8 becuase you didnt know that just a little ways down there were some higher level maggots
    ....actually finding thoose higher level maggots and laughing at yourself
    ....when you first started playing you found the combat system slow (might just be that game i played for almost a year earlyer had a combat system like 10x faster)
    ....finally giving up on crafting becuase you couldent change your stratagies against them
    ....produceing extravagent war plans against the AoP just to find him sneak up behind you (wouldeve killed me at that level anyways but heh)
    ....first time you made the mistake between marrows and bone golems....and your last
    ....after a mounth of playing a dragon makeing a biped who could pwn the dragon within 2 weeks(i think was 2 years though)
    ....finally realized it was the screenshot butten you kept tapping acidentally not really bad lag
    ....first time you got a better video card and tried to increase your graphics only to realize it only worked better on the same graphics mode as your old one
    ....first time hearing about
    ....getting lost in tazoon soo many times you avoided it at all costs
    ....hopeing that they would add a map to the game
    ....seeing the first in game map and thinking "so that area does do i get there now?"
    ....leaving new brommel for the first time and realizing all the other towns costed money to port and that it costed a fortune to port back
    ....not knowing how to do the trials of the gifted quest and eventually deleting tokens
    ....wondering the question as a dragon hatchie "I'm a dragon why cant I just eat that stupidgoruk whole?"
    Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Dragons For You Are Crunchy And Taste Good With Ketsup
    Ssafire-lvl 100 Cleric, 100 Bloodmage, 100 Mage, 100 Druid, 90 Monk, Saris
    Safiretalon-lvl 66 dragon adventurer, lvl 32 dragon crafter, lvl 14 dragon lairshaper.
    Guild: Dark Defenders
    Horizons player since: December 21st 2003

  2. #42

    Default Re: Do you remember when...

    The first time you saw Dark Cyclone or Shining Blades cast

    The skies changed colors and the dryads released from the trees

    When Augh was covered in blood and blight took over Tazoon

    When you first saw a dragon use khutit (I didn't know they could do that!)

    When you went on your first dragon ROP and saw one transform

    Airianna 100 Elf Mage
    Order Shard

  3. #43

    Default Re: Do you remember when...

    Remember when--

    -- there was no "in game" maping system.
    -- you could hunt regular Myloc
    -- Dalimond had Blighted dim wisps
    -- you saw your first named mob and about fainted because of the number of HP's it had.
    -- You first ran into the Shadow dragon...
    -- you could have nearly unlimited carrying capacity by putting a CD inside of another one. ( the bulk from inside one wasn't passed to the outer one )
    -- you could actually see other's CD's
    -- you got Essence of Blight by the droves and were deleting it almost as fast as you could get it.

    Elated that HZ is no longer in the hands of the Infidels.

    Now.. I may have to split my time between 2 games... CS:S and HZ...

  4. #44

    Default Re: Do you remember when...

    I loved the whole..... "drowning" at the beginning...

    You didn't accrue DP's, you didn't die... you just kept walking for about 30 seconds and then "boom" you were back at your bind alter

    finally, you got to see a "breath remaining" line and your character actually do the dying animation with the sound effect.
    Justa Mirage: Ranger 100 / Healer 92 / Carpentry 100 / Confectioner 100 / Fletching 92 / Weaver 62 / Gatherer 34
    Flatspin: Ancient Lunus Dragon 100 / Craft 100 / Lairshaping 100

  5. #45

    Default Re: Do you remember when...

    [:)]Thanks for the memories:
    Quote Originally Posted by Many People could watch archers kite their kills

    ...dalimond consigner was the one most used in istaria

    ... buying [anything] from a consigner and having the crafter send you a tell to say "thanks"

    ... spending an hour creating your character, to get your scale pattern *just right*
    ... first time seeing someone rezzed - or being rezzed

    ...Walking over the rainbow bridge for the first time. [and wondering if I would fall with the first step]

    ...doing 8 to 10 damage per swing against the machines, and that was pretty good

    ...Two words: Salt Rock

    ...fighting level 4 maggots at level 8 becuase you didnt know that just a little ways down there were some higher level maggots
    ...actually finding thoose higher level maggots and laughing at yourself [ lol ]

    ....finally realized it was the screenshot butten you kept tapping acidentally not really bad lag [ then finding the folder where they were stored and being reminded of times your camera went off in backpack or pocket]

    ...hoping that they would add a map to the game

    ...Wreaking revenge over and over and over again on Fang the boss Werewolf.

    ...Jumping out from the highest tower you could find.....

    ... There WAS NO auto deconstruct option on the crafting panel

    ...hoarding gems to keep up with hoard decay.

    ... finally earning your first silver piece, and feeling rich?
    Some more:

    ...Corpses going away after loot

    ...There was no need for /setscale

    ...Seeing a mossy rock with sticks on it for the first time, then the rock turned around and had a big mouth with sharp teeth

    ...Actually being worried about crowded resource fields and fighting over nodes (including mobs)

    ...No one could fly

    ...Finaly could fly and learned you could fall off the edge of the world (Columbus, eat your heart out)

    ...All of your great friends from your home server *sniff*

    ...Meeting new great friends from other servers

    ...Finding the Auto-Run button

    ...Finding you drown after walking away while using Auto-Run

    ...You got first pair of Happy Pants

    ...Color stance meant something and could sway the result of a battle, especially if you didn't notice the monster changed stance

    ...Anyone could start adventuring from almost all towns, and monsters got stronger the further you got from that town.

    ...The Chiconis Zoo

    ...People actually used the LFG feature

    ...A giant wraith periodically invaded Aughundell

    ...Summoning the Aegis Lieutenant (or what ever he was) for the first time by the Spiral in WD

    ...Monsters ran away if a dragon took flight, and auto-attack would chase them forever...until you drown

  6. #46

    Default Re: Do you remember when...

    ...going to the Harro Wolf Circle wasn't just a place for massive wolf killing, it became a place where we met some of our best friends.

    ...when you could go to a down and lag because so many people were there?

    ...people were known to craft certain items on consigners, and you could find them stocked with supplies because every crafter was trying to outdo the other?

    ...A Level 100 Tinkerer was unheard of.

    ...every Tier III tech in existence used Granite Golem Fragments.

    ...Lem the Cold was actually difficult to defeat?

    ...You wandered through the swamp, killing Mylocs and were suddenly struck with fear when you realize you just attacked Scabreia.

    ...The Animated Marrow was the most feared enemy in Istaria?

    ....Fighting the level 16 - 20+ Strawblights just outside of Sslanis and someone runs past with a Spider Huntress giving chase, and you prayed that the Huntress didn't break from the chase and come after you?

    ...You had to get a group to kill a Ruxus because they were so difficult to kill? (beta folks remember these days, I'm sure!)

    ...Healers and Clerics weren't just nice to have, they were required in groups because the healing spells didn't carry over to other schools.

    ...You were in awe of the Spiral Tower outside of Dalimond, and everyone thought an epic adventure would be given from Karen.

    ...Sly the Rogue gave Istarians a glimpse that we might one day be able to become Rogues and sneak around the world.

    ...Servers had competitions to see who could complete events first and then brag about it on the boards.

    ...When your group had to *slowly* advance through the Western Deadlands, because running through there meant certain death at the hands of Wraiths.

    ...When we had to truly reach out and help one another, because Marketplace didn't exist?

    ...When people laughed at others for becoming Druids?

    ...Reavers and Paladins were considered the strongest melee schools?

    ...When we loved Istaria because of what it is, not what it was?
    Carinde "Demigoddess" Ryder
    Citizen of Order, Axe & Anvil Guild

  7. #47

    Default Re: Do you remember when...

    ......playing "baby bait" to lure off the mobs protecting the satyr mines so the crafters could run in and apply.

    .....skirting around the coast of New Trimus and getting to an area not reachable any other way that looked suspiciously like the tutorial area that would later come out.

    ....going into Crankenspanks Tomb for the first time and seeing the blight effects for the first time and going wow this is cool and then promptly dying cause you didnt pay attention to the skellies that were hacking at you.

    ....jumping in Old Man Jenkins pool and playing with the fishes just because he told you not to. (still have the screenshots of Argentium pretending to be Nessie)

    ....dodging bone golems at level 10 to give Belial that stupid warm coat.

    .....spire jumping.

    Imayo, Preceptor of Obsidian Order on Order

  8. #48
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Do you remember when...

    climbing all over Dalimond mountain to get bronze ore, filling up to capacity, falling off the mountain to get to the smelter, and get jumped by an enraged dim wisp.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  9. #49

    Default Re: Do you remember when...

    ...I remember when I tried to craft.. sad day it was indeed.

    ...I remember walking to harro and having the friggin AoP chase youaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallll the way there, and aaaaaaaaaaallll the way back because you didn't want to use the travel gate because you were in the middle of doing something and didn't want to load something up, then go back to load Harro again and have AoP standing there... and then yelling "SON OF A ***** LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"

    ^good times on that one.

    ...also I remember when I first hit Mhedon for over 2000+ damage with crit strike using a grand sum total of three abilities and my Axe, pathetically I couldn't go to sleep that night I was so histatic.

  10. #50

    Default Re: Do you remember when...

    Do you all remember when Bobby Bouchet came back at halftime and ya'll won the Bourbon Bowl?!

    (bad joke, but I just couldn't resist it...)
    Carinde "Demigoddess" Ryder
    Citizen of Order, Axe & Anvil Guild

  11. #51

    Default Re: Do you remember when...

    Quote Originally Posted by Carinde
    Do you all remember when Bobby Bouchet came back at halftime and ya'll won the Bourbon Bowl?!

    (bad joke, but I just couldn't resist it...)
    not a bad joke at all, I about fell off my chair reading that.

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