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Thread: Feedback about Quests: Trophies.

  1. #1

    Default Feedback about Quests: Trophies.

    Wow, I'm on a roll today aren't I?

    I'm going to post this in a seperate thread, because this is a seperate feedback idea. Currently, I think our trophies system is a bit too sensitive. I would like to ask the majority of players here, especially dragons (since they cannot multiclass) how many trophies they had to sell for just plain money because they didn't meet the strict level requirement standards to gain any exp for those trophies?

    How many times have you gone through lower levelled mobs and found 2, 3 trophies at a time on those mobs, but yet you try to fight mobs that you can actually turn in for exp, and kill 10, 20, 30 of them and not see a single trophy?

    Grinding for exp for endless hours gets old after awhile, and currently, Trophies are next-to-the only alternative for gaining Adventure experience, other than a few attunement quests now and then. And half of them don't give you exp either.

    I think we should either increase the drop rate on trophies, or, make it so you can turn in a wider range of trophies for experience point rewards. Say I'm Lv30. Why, again, can I not turn in a Lv25-30 mob's trophies for exp? No, I have to do the 30-36 ones. Bleh. So all of those trophies I JUST got on my last hunting trip are gonna go to waste? Yup. Or, hey, I just went with a Party. I'm Lv32. I found some trophies off of Lv35-40 mobs. I can't turn them in yet. Why? Because the rules are too strict on trophies.

    Throughout my entire levelling within the last few weeks, I got so very few trophy drops on mobs I was actually allowed to turn trophies in for, then I'd get above that level, and the trophies start dropping like crazy. Was this intentional, to tease players? If anything, I'd think it would encourage Powerlevelling, that is, have some Lv90 biped kill stuff and give some newbie a whole load of trophies...

    Its kinda discouraging when I have to grind mob after mob after mob and never get any trophies....

    Please fix this.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Feedback about Quests: Trophies.

    Or, another idea, Make the Town Marshall Quests give you exp too.

    That would be an even better solution. You get a Town Marshal Quest, kill the 10-20 mobs, come back and get your exp reward. No more killing 10, 20, 30 mobs with NO trophies.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Feedback about Quests: Trophies.

    Um, nevermind. LoL.

    A part of this is already on Blight.


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