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Thread: Community Plot Sizes/Consolodation

  1. #1

    Default Community Plot Sizes/Consolodation

    Plot Consolodation:

    My wife and I have been doing a great deal of looking around for the right plots to buy for our uses and I am really shocked at the amount of totally undeveloped and/or vacant communities.

    Just about everywhere you go there seems to be 1, sometimes 2, plots of the large variety that have been purchased and anywhere from 10-30.. the remaining amount of plots in the plan.. vacant.

    Would it be all that difficult to start merging these together? Granted, the end result might look a bit odd but in the long run I think it would solidify some of these communities.

    We picked up 2 25x25s in an excellent location and we're happy with them for now, I'm sure as our characters mature we'll be looking for larger accomodations, and I've come across plenty of places that have larger plots available.. that isn't really the issue.

    It's just the desolation where there really doesn't need to be if the plots were tweaked a bit. A 20:60:20 size ratio would probably be a good idea for starters. By the looks of it we're around 10:20:70.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Community Plot Sizes/Consolidation

    The big problem with this is the fact there are three shards this would need to concider. What may be vacant on one shard may be quite filled and built up on another. Without knowing an areas standing on ALL 3 shards, it is very hard to say what can and can't be consolidated.

    Maybe one day, they can plan a revisit to plot sizes and increase or consolidate the universally vacant ones.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Community Plot Sizes/Consolidation

    In light of today's Blight changes, I might suggest rushing over to Old Oaks right away and seeing if there are any plots for sale . . . .
    Before you criticize anyone, walk a mile in his shoes. Then, when you criticize him, you'll be a mile away. And you'll have his shoes.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Community Plot Sizes/Consolidation

    Thanks for that info, but I think you are misunderstanding my point.

    I've come across dozens of what I would consider 'large' lots.. that really isn't an issue. The only problem there is cost, and the gold will come in time. Besides, I think I would prefer to start small anyway especially after seeing what is involved with building. The demands of building up my small lot are pretty overwhelming and after taking a step back from the bigger-is-better viewpoint, a large lot for me right now would be too much, too soon.

    Merging a good number of small lots into oblong mediums and the like would make them much more attractive for people to consider, that is all.

    And yes, I can see an issue with there being 3 servers but I don't think that would be too much of an issue. I am proceeding from the assumption that Chaos is presently the largest server and if you use that as a model, the player towns I am talking about are almost entirely vacant. For all I know, Sable Shores, Kenaf Port or any one of the other 10-15 other townsare bustling communities on Unity or Order.. but I'd be willing to put some money on the fact they aren't.

    That sort of thing could be handled on a case by case basis, I'm sure.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Community Plot Sizes/Consolidation

    As a matter of fact, David has mentioned doing something like this when oppertunity presents in Genevia and other areas with a number of small plots. The issue is, if you combine a plot that is owned by someone on one of the live servers, they could wind up owning a plot that does not exist anymore.

    Granted, the odds are good that plots that are unowned on Chaos & Order will be unowned on Unity, but it's still a risk. I'd hate to see someone on Unity try to get help for their plot suddenly not existing any more.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  6. #6

    Default Re: Community Plot Sizes/Consolidation

    I think they shouldn't be worry about combining plot instead setting them up for another race.
    I suggested new races in mine thread some are very small so it ideal forsome races have a plot much smaller then everyone else.
    So instead of combiningI think they should be setup in the futer if new races come along and special building structer are set up for them.

    Thougt here somthing of an existing race that could use a small plot.
    If dryads are given the ability to live in a tree a small plot could be use to grow a giant tree for the Dryads to live in.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Community Plot Sizes/Consolidation

    David already mentioned in IRC, that once the dragon lair system gets fully debugged and tweaked, the same technology will be used to allow dwarves to build underground homesand for dryads to make above-ground tree homes.
    Imayo, Preceptor of Obsidian Order on Order

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