I would like to see an option to add a connection to a room to make up for all those wasted going into the wall exits.
Or at the very LEAST have a silo with a SIDE connection so it can be placed sideways.

Or at the very LEAST have Lunus and Helian structures with opposite connections.
i.e. A T2 Lunus Pawnbroker with a front and a right connection, and a T2 Helian Pawnbroker with a front and a left connection.
At least that would give us a slight option of placement and filling gaps.

I know all the bipeds are crying over how much room there is in a Lair, but no one ever seems to see how difficult it is to actually plan out that space and how much of that space is actually wasted because we *cannot* place a structure at the edge of a lair if the only connection out goes into the wall. Bipeds don't have that problem. They can put a building right at the edge of the plot facing the edge of the plot with the only exit - we can't because then we hit a dead end and cannot continue building at all.

Some options of where connections are would help a great deal on this.