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Thread: Landscape bugs/errors/uglyness

  1. #1
    Member Firedragon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Istaria / Spires Shadow

    Default Landscape bugs/errors/uglyness

    There is a sharp patch of grass under the ocean surface justnorth ofAbandoned island near the slate (pos 17566/25021).

    A tree in the Parsinia blight is barely touching the ground (pos 19827/23107).

    Rocks in the Tazoon desert look as if they have been turned upside down, resulting in them becoming invisible from some angles. One rock is hovering in mid air.
    Mutiple locations:
    In the void.
    Unity: 100/100 Lunus

  2. #2

    Default Re: Landscape bugs/errors/uglyness

    Something similar to this is happening, only worse, I think..

    Everytime I recall, the world disapears. I can see lairs just fine ( including their interiors ) But everything else is gone.

    Some mention a fix for this but I have no clue what it is..

    Ancient dragoness of Order - Retired

  3. #3

    Default Re: Landscape bugs/errors/uglyness

    Same problem here, move around and it is just white with the trees or what ever is above the ground, but no ground or buildings are displayed. I rotate my character and some angles I can see everything fine, others it is all white. Note: I am not the only one with these problems. Most of my guild "The Alliance" are having the same exact problems since last patch. I have Horizons on two different computers (2 accounts) with completely different hard ware and they both have the same exact problem. There is no one or two places this occurs more then others, it is all the time (except for 2 minutes after I relog in the game after clearing the game cache). *Hopes for a Dev response*

    Segorian_bounty - Chaos
    Mearis - Chaos

  4. #4

    Default Re: Landscape bugs/errors/uglyness

    On Chaos too with the same issue. Invisible Istaria photos. A full scan and relog has fixed it for now, just hoping it doesn't pop up again.

  5. #5
    Member Firedragon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Istaria / Spires Shadow

    Default Re: Landscape bugs/errors/uglyness

    What you are describing is a different issue.

    David said this about dissapearing landscape:
    Please bear with us a bit longer. We've fixed the client so that it now properly works with the culling and rendering systems. This has exposed some world asset problems and a bug in the world cache system. We've identified these problems and are working on fixes and re-exported world assets as quickly as we can. While accepting that this a serious but temporary problem, the benefits of the client working properly are significant for the long-term. Two suggested temporary work-arounds are re-entering the game and clearing the world-cache.

    Thank you for your continued patience,

    David Bowman
    In the void.
    Unity: 100/100 Lunus

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